| The Reception of the Oils Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, priest, Narrator, cantor, assembly, organ accompaniment SKU: GI.G-005269 Composed by Paul M. French. Holy Thursday. Sacred. Octavo. GIA Publications #005269. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-005269). UPC: 641151052694. Paul’s distinctive setting f… $1.30 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| The Lord's Prayer Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, C instrument, guitar, flute, oboe,string trio,violin, alternative keyboard arrangement SKU: GI.G-007204 Composed by Steven C. Warner. Ordinary Time 17 Year C. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. GIA Publications #0… $1.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Lord of Life Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, organ accompaniment, flute, trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trombone 1, trombone 2, bass, percussion - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-2402 Composed by C. Alexander Peloquin. Mass. Mass. Sacred. Choral score. 82 pages. GIA Publications #2402. Published by … $6.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Love is His Word Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, Descant, cantor, assembly, organ accompaniment, flute SKU: GI.G-008677 Concertato on DEBLASIO. Composed by Calvin Hampton. Arranged by Richard Proulx. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion Year C, palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion Year A, pentecost Year B, l… $2.60 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Come Holy Spirit, Wind and Fire Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, organ accompaniment, flute SKU: GI.G-002621 Composed by Alan Hommerding. Arranged by Wolfgang W. Lampert. OT 31 B, OT 20 B, Easter 6 B, OT 2 A, Baptism of the Lord, Ascension of the Lord, Annunciation, Pentecost. Tune Name: St. Catherine. Sacred. Octavo. 8 page… $1.30 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Veni Emmanuel Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment SKU: GI.G-005833 Composed by Kathleen Demny. Advent. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 8 pages. GIA Publications #005833. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-005833). Kathleen Demny has crafted a sure-to… $1.30 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Come, Let’s Worship the Lord! Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, Descant, keyboard accompaniment, C instrument SKU: GI.G-009469 Composed by Anthony Giamanco. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 8 pages. GIA Publications #009469. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-009469). UPC: 641151094694. $1.85 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Give Thanks to the Lord: Psalm 118 Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard, none accompaniment - Beginning SKU: GI.G-006440 Composed by Robert W Schaefer. Eastertide, Easter. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 8 pages. GIA Publications #006440. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-006440). Thi… $1.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Two Communion Motets Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-005348 Composed by Thomas Keesecker. Holy Thursday, Body and Blood of Christ, OT 16 B, OT 17 B, OT 20 B, OT 18 B, OT18 A, OT 19 B. Sacred. Octavo. GIA Publications #005348. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-005348). UPC: 64115… $1.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Come to Bethlehem Manger Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, C instrument - Beginning SKU: GI.G-6639 Christmas Communion Rite. Arranged by Tony Alonso S.J. Christmastide, Christmas Vigil, Christmas Night, Christmas Dawn, Christmas Day, Mary Mother of God, Epiphany, Baptism… $1.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| As This Grain Has Been Gathered Chorale SATB SATB, Clavier GIA Publications
SATB choir, keyboard accompaniment - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-9809 Composed by David M. Tripold. Calvin Institute. Sacred. Octavo. 12 pages. GIA Publications #9809. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-9809). UPC: 785147980902. English. Text Source: From the Order of… $2.60 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Full Score and Parts Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue [Conducteur] GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet in B-flat, trumpet in C SKU: GI.G-7127INST Concertato on LOBE DEN HERREN. Arranged by Carlton R. Young. Concertato Series. Tune Name: Lobe Den Herren. Sacred. Full score and parts. 12 pages. GIA Publications #7127IN… $15.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Forever, O God Chorale SATB SATB, Clavier GIA Publications
SATB choir, keyboard accompaniment - Beginning SKU: GI.G-5515 Composed by Daniel C. Meyer. Choral. Choral. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #5515. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-5515). Text Source: Psalm 119:89–96. Text by Daniel C. Meyer. Scripture: Psa… $1.30 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| My Lord's Risen from the Dead Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, piano reduction - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-9936 Composed by Salone T. Clary. Eastertide. African American Church Music Series. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #9936. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-9936). UPC: 785147993605. English. Text by… $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Destructive Sword! Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, piano reduction - Beginning SKU: GI.G-6270 Arranged by Alice Parker. Choral. Choral. Tune name: Messiah. Sacred. Octavo. 12 pages. GIA Publications #6270. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-6270). UPC: 785147627005. English. Text Source: Anonymous, The B… $1.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Glorify the Lord by Our Lives Chorale SATB SATB, Clavier GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, voice solo, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, C instrument, guitar - Beginning SKU: GI.G-8907 Composed by Tony Alonso S.J. Celebration Series. Tune Name: Aikenhead. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 16 pages. GIA Publications #8907. Published by … $2.70 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| My Lord's Gettin' Us Ready for That Great Day Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, piano reduction - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-8574 Arranged by Uzee Brown, Jr. Advent 4 A. African American Church Music Series. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #8574. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-8574). UPC: 785147857402. English. Text sou… $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Rejoice, the Lord Is King Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in C - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-2223 Concertato on DARWALL'S 148TH. Composed by John Darwall. Arranged by Noel Goemanne. Christ the King. Choral. Tune Name: Darwall'S 148Th. Sacred. Octavo. 4 p… $1.10 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Cristo Jesús Es el Señor Chorale SATB SATB, Clavier GIA Publications
SATB choir, keyboard accompaniment - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-10716 Christ Jesus Is the Lord. Composed by Peter M. Kolar. Lent, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, OT 26 A, Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Sacred. Octavo. 20 pages. GIA Publications #10716. Published by GIA P… $3.20 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment - Intermediate SKU: GI.G-9243 Composed by Kevin Vogt. Choral. Tune Name: St. Vincent. Sacred. Octavo. 16 pages. GIA Publications #9243. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-9243). UPC: 785147924302. English. Text Source: Albert B… $2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Lo, Judah's Lion Chorale SATB SATB, Clavier GIA Publications
SATB choir, keyboard accompaniment - Beginning SKU: GI.G-6828 Composed by Stephen J. Rohde. Eastertide, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday. Choral. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #6828. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-6828). UPC: 785147682806. English. Text Sour… $2.20 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| The Lord Will Hear the Just / Proclaim God's Marvelous Deeds Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, piano accompaniment - Beginning SKU: GI.G-5744 Composed by Kenneth W. Louis. Ordinary Time 29 A, Ordinary Time 2 C. African American Church Music Series. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #5744. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-5744). UPC: 7851475… $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Where Is This Stupendous Stranger? Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, SSAA choir, piano reduction - Beginning SKU: GI.G-8416 Composed by Scott Hyslop. Christmastide, Christmas Vigil, Christmas Night, Christmas Dawn, Christmas Day. Christmas. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #8416. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-8416… $2.20 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 24 hours - In Stock |

| The Lord Has Done Great Things Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, voice solo, assembly, piano accompaniment, guitar - Beginning SKU: GI.G-7519 Composed by Paul Melley. Advent 2 C, Lent 5 C, Ordinary Time 30 B. Leavensong Series. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 8 pages. GIA Publications #7519. Published by GIA… $2.20 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Come O Lord and Set Us Free Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment SKU: GI.G-005944 Advent Lectionary Psalms with Common Refrain, Year C. Composed by Paul Hillebrand. Advent, Advent 3 Year C, OT 15 Year B. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 20 pages. GIA Publications #00594… $1.85 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| The Linden Tree Carol Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, tenor voice soloist, keyboard accompaniment, C instrument, percussion - Beginning SKU: GI.G-008137 Composed by Ken Macek. Arranged by Keith S. Kalemba. Christmastide, Advent 4 C, Advent 4 B, Epiphany, Annunciation of the Lord. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord … $1.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Lord, Come and Save Us Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment SKU: GI.G-006287 Psalm 146. Composed by Nicholas Palmer. Advent, Advent 3 A. Sacred. Octavo. With guitar chord names. 8 pages. GIA Publications #006287. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-006287). UPC: 6411510… $1.25 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Know That the Lord Is God Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, organ accompaniment, trumpet in B-flat, trumpet in C - Intermediate SKU: GI.G-6262 Composed by Alice Parker. Easter 4 C, Ordinary Time 11 A. Choral. Sacred. Octavo. 24 pages. GIA Publications #6262. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-6262). UPC: 78514762620… $1.80 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Give Thanks and Praise Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, priest, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trombone 1, trombone 2 - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-3134 A Setting for Eucharist. Composed by Howard Hughes. Mass. Mass. Sacred. Octavo. 48 pages. GIA Publications… $3.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Hail to the Lord's Anointed Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, organ accompaniment - Beginning SKU: GI.G-3182 Composed by Leonhard Schröter. Arranged by Daniel Tcimpidis. Christ the King, Ascension, Advent 2 A, Epiphany. Choral. Tune Name: Freu Euch, Ihr Lieben. Sacred. Octavo. 12 pages. GIA Publications #3182. Published … $0.90 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |