| Bmmg Vol. 30 Schott
SKU: HL.49007814 Edited by Christine Heyter-Rauland. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 105 pages. Schott Music #ED 8153. Published by Schott Music (HL.49007814). ISBN 9783795713324. German. $41.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Kanons Nach Glocken-inschriften 30 Schott
2 to 12 equal and mixed voices a cappella (Score) - easy SKU: HL.49013309 Composed by Rudolf Hartl. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Sheet music. Bausteine fur Musikerziehung und Musikpflege. Classical. Choral Score. 24 pages. Schott Music #B 169. Published by Schott Mu… $16.99 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Bmmg Vol. 29/1 A-n Schott
(BUCH BR) SKU: HL.49007415 Ehemalige Provinz Oberhessen. Composed by Franz Bö, Hermann Fischer, and sken. Edited by Anneliese Boesken. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 629 pages. Schott Music #ED 7646-01. Published by Schott M… $45.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Musik Und Tanz Fur Kinder Teacher's Book Schott
SKU: HL.49018757 Composed by Christine Perchermeier, Jutta Funk, Manuela Widmer, Micaela Gruener, Rudolf Nykrin, and Ulrike Schrott. Edited by Manuela Widmer, Micaela Gruener, and Rudolf Nykrin. This edition: Ring/Spiral binding. Book. Edition Schott. Teacher's book. 440 p… $106.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Mega Keyboard Mega Keyboard Instrum.hits Schott
Keyboard (KEYB) - easy SKU: HL.49034917 Composed by Mega. Arranged by musiklektorat.de. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition Schott. 46 pages. Schott Music #MF 3104. Published by Schott Music (HL.49034917). ISBN 9783795757182. UPC: 196288104087. Es… $22.99 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Erkundungen Schott
German (Book) SKU: HL.49046265 Gegenwartsmusik Als Forschung Und Experiment. Composed by Joern Peter Hiekel. Edition Schott. Contemporary, German Edition. Softcover. 172 pages. Schott Music #ED23173. Published by Schott Music (HL.49046265). ISBN 9783795718077. UP… $37.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Musik Und Rituel Schott
SKU: HL.49008319 5 Kongressbeitrage, 2 freie Beitrage und ein Seminarbericht. Edited by Barbara Barthelmes and Helga de la Motte-Haber. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 112 pages. Schott Music #ED 9149. Published by Schott Music (… $23.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Handbuch Der Blasmusik Schott
SKU: HL.49015087 Composed by Willy Schneider. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 244 pages. Schott Music #ED 4204. Published by Schott Music (HL.49015087). ISBN 9783795728144. German. Vollig uberarbeitete und stark erweiterte Neua… $31.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Bmmg Vol. 20/1 Unverricht:musik Schott
SKU: HL.49006791 Ein biographisches, orts- und landesgeschichtliches Nachschlagewerk. Composed by Hubert Unverricht and Kurt Oehl. Edited by Hubert Unverricht. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 190 pages. Schott Music #ED 6910. Pub… $31.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Ans Licht Gebracht: Zur Interpretation Neuer Musik (german) Schott
SKU: HL.49019818 Zur Interpretation Neuer Musik. Edited by Joern Peter Hiekel. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. 256 pages. Schott Music #ED21785. Published by Schott Music (HL.49019818). ISBN 9783795708481. 6.75x9.5x0.488 inches. German.<… $47.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Orchestermusiker Seine Arbeitbelas Schott
SKU: HL.49007161 Seine Arbeit und seine Belastung. Composed by Heinz Schmidtke and Hugo Schmale. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 88 pages. Schott Music #ED 7345. Published by Schott Music (HL.49007161). ISBN 9783795727314. Ger… $27.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Hey Art Of Speaking Book+dvd Schott
(KOMBI PACK) SKU: HL.49032742 Die Kunst des Sprechens. Composed by Hey. Edited by Fritz Reusch. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book with DVD. Edition Schott. DVD: Nun endlich mutimedial umgesetzt, illustrieren uber 90 Minuten Film- bzw. Tonmaterial in hervorrag… $38.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Rock Pop Keyboard Method Vol. 2 Schott
Keyboard & synthesizers - very easy SKU: HL.49015352 School for Keyboard & Synthesizer. Composed by Achim von Bassen, Maria Swoboda, and Matthias Schmitt. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music with cassette. Edition Schott. Classical. Edition with Cassette. 64… $31.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Modulation Beim Orgelspiel Orgue Schott
Organ SKU: HL.49005311 Eine praktische Anleitung zum Modulieren mit einer Modulationstabelle (484 Modulationsmoglichkeiten). Composed by Arthur Piechler. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Classical. 18 pages. Schott Music #ED 4985. Publish… $19.99 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Bmmg Vol. 33 Sinfonien....... Schott
SKU: HL.49008096 Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sinfonie. Composed by Joanna Cobb Biermann. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Erstmalige Auswertung der Quellen zu einem wichtigen Abschnitt der Musikgeschichte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Classical. 2… $34.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Bmmg Vol. 13 Michels:h.a. Hoffman Schott
SKU: HL.49006248 Leben und Werk. Composed by Egmont Michels. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 164 pages. Schott Music #ED 6375. Published by Schott Music (HL.49006248). ISBN 9783795713133. German. Zurecht darf Heinrich An… $17.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Grundiss Der Dusik Paedagogik Schott
SKU: HL.49007078 Composed by Carl Friedrich Abel. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Ein bisher einzigartiges Standardwerk zur Theorie der Musikpadagogik, alle relevanten Themenkomplexe werden differenziert erarbeitet. Fur Musikpadagogen sowie fur Stu… $81.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Pflege Jugen Stimme Schott
SKU: HL.49013359 Theoretischer Teil. Composed by Paul Nitsche. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Bausteine fur Musikerziehung und Musikpflege. Classical. 64 pages. Schott Music #B4. Published by Schott Music (HL.49013359). ISBN 9783795710040. German. <… $10.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Ahrens W Grosse Umweltliederbuch Schott
(BR) SKU: HL.49023841 Composed by Ahrens. Edited by Wolfgang Ahrens. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Sheet music. Kunter-bund-edition. Melody line (with chords). 144 pages. Schott Music #BUND 71124. Published by Schott Music (HL.49023841). ISBN 9783795756932. 6.25x9… $31.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Vasks P Zemgale Schott
Mixed choir (SSSAAATTBB) (Mixed Choir) - difficult SKU: HL.49013135 For mixed choir (SSSAAATTBB). Composed by Peteris Vasks. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Schott Kammerchor Reihe (Choral Music). Classical. Choral Score. Composed 1989. 32 pages. Durati… $17.99 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Bmmg Vol. 35telemann/frankfurt Schott
(TEXT) SKU: HL.49008251 Bericht uber das Symposium Frankfurt am Main am 26./27. April 1996. Composed by CAHN. Edited by Peter Cahn. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Ein reprasentativer Uberblick uber den aktuellen Stand der Telemann-Forschung… $51.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Flute And Its Music Schott
SKU: HL.49015218 Composed by Gustav Scheck. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Ein lebendig geschriebenes Standardwerk, unverzichtbare Literatur fur Padagogen und Studierende. Classical. 264 pages. Schott Music #ED 6364. Published by Schott Music (HL.… $64.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Vom Paedogogischen Umgang Mit Musik Schott
SKU: HL.49007831 Composed by Kurt Kaiser. Edited by Eckhard Nolte, Hermann J. Kaiser, and Michael Roske. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 318 pages. Schott Music #ED 8183. Published by Schott Music (HL.49007831). ISBN 9783795702441. Ge… $60.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Tchaikowsky Studies Vol. 1 Schott
SKU: HL.49008019 Bericht. Edited by Thomas Kohlhase. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 367 pages. Schott Music #ED 8448. Published by Schott Music (HL.49008019). ISBN 9783795702953. German - English. Zum Gedachtnis des 100.… $36.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Bmmg Vol. 31 Schott
SKU: HL.49007906 Symphonie - Kirchenmusik - Melodrama. Composed by Christine Heyter-Rauland and Christoph Hellmut Mahling. Edited by Christine Heyter-Rauland and Christoph Hellmut Mahling. This edition: Hardback/Hard Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 314 pages… $51.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Form Und Struktur In Der Musik Schott
SKU: HL.49005736 Composed by Hermann Erpf. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Book. Edition Schott. Classical. 224 pages. Schott Music #ED 5500. Published by Schott Music (HL.49005736). ISBN 9783795722128. German. Die lebhafte Diskusion um die Neue Musik verlangt… $62.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Sonate No. 2 Op. 58 Violin And Piano Violon et Piano Schott
Violin and piano SKU: HL.49044181 Composed by Stefan Heucke. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. String. Softcover. Composed 2009. Op. 58. 68 pages. Duration 21'. Schott Music #VLB189. Published by Schott Music (HL.49044181). ISBN 9790001197939. 9.25x12.0x0.263… $36.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Jazz Method V. 1 (*in German( Piano seul Schott
Piano - intermediate SKU: HL.49015463 Voicings - Akkorde - Begleitung. Composed by Klaus Ignatzek. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Sheet music with CD. Edition Schott. Die Jazzmethode fur Klavier 1 wendet sich an jazzinteressierte Pianisten im Anfanger- oder for… $44.00 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Raeubern/riesen (orff Insts.) Music Schott
Carillons and other percussion instruments (Bfl, Pk, Hob-Tr, Be, Tri, Cymb, Reco-Reco, Xyl (SAB), Glsp (SAB), Kl-Tr, B-Tr, Met (SAB)) - easy SKU: HL.49015447 Ein Musizier- und Ubebuch. Composed by Hermann Urabl. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition S… $17.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |

| Schmitt/swoboda Rock-pop-keyboard Bd4 Schott
Keyboard (SCHULE+CD) - intermediate SKU: HL.49032436 School for Keyboard & Synthesizer. Composed by Waldram Hollfelder. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Edition with CD. 64 pages. Schott Music #ED 7663-50. Published by Schott Music (HL.49… $34.95 - Voir plus => Acheter |