| O world, I now must leave thee (O Welt, ich muss dich lassen) [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
2-part children's choir, (organ) - Level 1 SKU: CA.326290 Composed by Heinrich Isaac and Odilo Klasen. Separate edition with choral collection. Sacred vocal music, Fear and trust, Mourning, death. Full score. Composed 2012. Duration 2 minutes. Carus Verlag #CV 03.262/90. P… $1.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Nachhall Carus Verlag
9 major characters (with some solo songs), 11 more speaking and singing roles, many of Stone Age people, Romans, Celts, monks and priests (choir), flute, band (also with piano only) SKU: CA.1257819 ... am selben Ort durch die Zeiten ... Ein Zeitreise-Musical. Compos… $49.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Freu dich, du Himmelskonigin [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
2-part children's choir, (organ) - Level 2 SKU: CA.326310 Composed by Leo Langer. Separate edition with choral collection. Sacred vocal music, Praise and thanks, Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Hymns in praise of the Virgin Mary. Full score. Composed 2012. Duration 2 mi… $1.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Mein Herz ist bereit. Lieder fur Kinderchor. Kinderchorband Carus Verlag
Children's Choir SKU: CA.1209505 Edited by Kirchenchorwerk der Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsens. This edition: Paperbound. Choral collections for children's choir. Mein Herz Ist Bereit. Kinderchorbuch Editionchor. Sacred vocal music, Songs for children, Whole church year / … $18.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| The silvery moon is beaming (Der Mond ist aufgegangen) [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
2-part children's choir, (organ) - Level 2 SKU: CA.325710 Composed by Johann Abraham Peter Schulz and Michael Ostrzyga. Separate edition with choral collection. Sacred vocal music, Fear and trust. Full score. Composed 2012. Duration 4 minutes. Carus Verlag #CV 03.257/10. P… $1.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Zum Altare kommet, Gotteskinder Carus Verlag
SKU: CA.4604209 Composed by Anton Stingl. German title: Zum Altare kommet, Gotteskinder 7. Sacred vocal music, Songs for children, Eucharist, Communion. Set of Orchestra Parts. 14 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 46.042/09. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.4604209). ISBN 9790007222… $12.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Giant Finn Carus Verlag
Individual actors (3 solo voices, speaker), unison choir, piano, percussion (1-2 players) SKU: CA.1289705 Composed by Margaret Rolf. Children's music and musicals. German title: Giant Finn. Musicals for children, Secular choral music. Choral Score. 4 pages. Duration 30 min… $3.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Kind im Stall Carus Verlag
Children's choir (1-2 parts), 2 narrators, 2 recorders, glockenspiel, metal, percussion, cello, contrabass, keyboard SKU: CA.1241449 Ein Weihnachts-Singspiel. Composed by Rolf Schweizer. Children's music and musicals. German title: Weihnachts-Singspiel. Sacred vocal… $8.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Sing to the Lord a new song (Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied) Guitare [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
Unison children's choir, cantor, congregation, flute, percussion, cello, organ, guitar SKU: CA.2500400 Composed by Hans Ludwig Schilling. This edition: Paperbound. German title: Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied. Sacred vocal music, Songs for children, Easter and Eastertide.… $10.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Kinderhits mit Witz 16 Chorale Unison Carus Verlag
Choir SKU: CA.1283205 Composed by Peter Schindler. Children's music and musicals. German title: Kinderhits mit Witz 16. Songs for children, Secular choral music. Choral Score. 8 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 12.832/05. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1283205). ISBN 979000716114… $5.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Peter Schindler: Hast du Worte? - Beethoven Carus Verlag
SKU: CA.1284905 Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Children's Songs, Secular choral music. Choral Score. Carus Verlag #CV 12.849/05. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1284905). ISBN M-007-24990-8. $9.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Komm in unsern Kinderchor [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
1-2 part children's choir, piano, solo instrument SKU: CA.1257700 Composed by Rainer Bohm. Songs and songs for children. German title: Komm in unsern Kinderchor. Songs for children. Full score. 12 pages. Duration 18 minutes. Carus Verlag #CV 12.577/00. Published by Carus V… $10.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Matthaus vom Zoll Orgue Carus Verlag
2-part Children's Choir, Flute, Cello, Organ SKU: CA.1252705 Cantata. Composed by Gunther Kretzschmar. Children's music and musicals. German title: Matthaus vom Zoll. Sacred vocal music, Cantatas, Cantatas and Singspiele for children. Choral Score. 8 pages. Carus Ve… $5.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Peter Schindler: Hast du Worte? - Beethoven Carus Verlag
SKU: CA.1284922 Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Inenr voice. Children's Songs, Secular choral music. Single Part, Mittelstimme. Carus Verlag #CV 12.849/22. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1284922). ISBN M-007-24994-6. $17.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Die Hunde des Lazarus Carus Verlag
Children's Choir, Soli, Keyboard [ad lib with Melody and Rhythm instruments (also Orff instruments)] - Level 1 SKU: CA.1254811 Ein Singspiel fur die Weihnachtszeit mit Motiven aus Lukas 16,19-31. Composed by Ulrich Gohl. Children's music and musicals. German title: … $2.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Kinderhits mit Witz 10 Chorale Unison Carus Verlag
Choir SKU: CA.1282405 Composed by Paula Dehmel and Peter Schindler. Children's music and musicals. German title: Kinderhits mit Witz 10. Songs for children, Secular choral music. Choral Score. 8 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 12.824/05. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1282405). … $5.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Wake, o wake and hear the voices [Conducteur et Parties séparées] Carus Verlag
3-part children's choir, recorder, trumpet (oboe, clarinet), harp, percussion, piano (organ), [cello/contrabass] SKU: CA.1223919 Adventskantate. Composed by Wolfram Graf. Children's music and musicals. Complete orchestral parts. Sacred vocal music, Cantatas, Cantata… $25.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| The song of the three holy children (Gesang der drei Manner) Carus Verlag
SSATB favorit-chor (antiphonal/chamber choir), 3 trombones, 2 horn/cornet, [capell-chor: SSATB, 5 strings, contrabass, organ] SKU: CA.2044813 Composed by Heinrich Schutz. Edited by Gunter Graulich. Arranged by Paul Horn. This edition: urtext. Stuttgart Urtext Edition: Schu… $3.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| chorissimo! Christmas Carus Verlag
SKU: CA.222121 Composed by Various. Edited by Klaus Brecht and Klaus Konrad Weigele. Carus sheet music series: Chorissimo, Choral collections for Coro SAM, Choral collections for children's choir. Instrument, in B flat. Sacred vocal music, Songs for children, Christmas Car… $10.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Agnus Dei, Unschuldslamm Orgue [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
Unison children's choir, organ SKU: CA.330890 Aus: Rockmesse ,,Spuren der Hoffnung. Composed by Markus Schollhorn and Tobias Nicolaus. Separate edition with choral collection. Sacred vocal music, Masses, German, Mass sections, Eucharist, Communion, Peace and justice… $3.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Haye Hame Chorale SATB [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
SATB choir SKU: CA.335010 Edited by Friedhilde Truun. Arranged by Susanne Frische. Songs for children. Full score. 2 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 03.350/10. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.335010). Language: all languages. $2.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Sammy [DVD] Carus Verlag
Orchestra Arrangement 1: Solo, divisi Speaker, Unison Children's Choir (2-part and 3-part ad lib.) Flute, 2 clarinets, Horn, Tuba, Guitar, Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, Pianoforte, Keyboard, Percussion / Arrangement 2: Solo, divisi Speaker, Unison Children's Choi SKU: CA.120… $26.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| In 30 Schritten zum Blattsingen. Die Kolner Chorschule fur Kinder. Set Carus Verlag
Childrens choir SKU: CA.2407400 Edited by Klaus Wallrath, Matthias Rottger, Odilo Klasen, Pia Gensler, and Richard Mailander. Method Books. Large set. Methods, Sacred vocal music, Secular choral music. Package. Carus Verlag #CV 24.074/00. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.2407… $133.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Potpourri Handwerkerlieder Carus Verlag
Coro SATB, [Kinderchor], 2 Tr (auch Tr, PiccoloTr; Tr, Flugelhorn), Cor, Trb, Tuba oder Coro SATB, Pfte 4-handig SKU: CA.221566 Arranged by Andreas N. Tarkmann. LIEDERPROJEKT. Children's choir. Folk songs, Secular choral music. Single Part, Kinderchor. Duration 11 minutes.… $3.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Gute-Laune-Kanons Carus Verlag
3-4 part Children's or Youth Choir, Piano, Bass, Percussion - Level 2 SKU: CA.1290241 Composed by Rainer Butz. Choral collections. German title: Gute-Laune-Kanons. Songs for children, Secular choral music. Single Part, Percussion. Composed 1992-96. 8 pages. Carus Verlag #C… $6.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Der Herr ist mein Licht [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
3-part Children's Choir, Timpani, 2 Xylophones, Metallophone, Glockenspiel, Triangle, Recorder f1 SKU: CA.1222600 Composed by Gunther Kretzschmar. Sacred vocal music, psalm, german, Songs and songs for children. German title: Der Herr ist mein Licht. Sacred vocal music, Ps… $2.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Unterwegs mit David Carus Verlag
Unison Children's Choir, Clarinet, Piano, Contrabass, [Percussion] SKU: CA.1224512 Kindermusical. Composed by Ingo Bredenbach and Michael Benedict Bender. Edited by Lothar Friedrich. Children's music and musicals. German title: Unterwegs Mit David. Musical. Sacred v… $5.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| La Piccola Banda [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
Orchestra 1-6 part children's choir with vocal solos and speakers (including baritone and bass), recorder, oboe, horn, 3 trumpets, trombone, violin, cello, double bass/electric bass, harpsichord/piano/keyboard/glass harp, guitar/lute, harp, timpani/percussion, drum SKU: CA.120… $84.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Kinderhits mit Witz 14 Carus Verlag
Bass instrument SKU: CA.1283011 Composed by Peter Schindler. Children's music and musicals. German title: Kinderhits mit Witz 14. Songs for children, Secular choral music. Single Part, Bass instrument. 8 pages. Carus Verlag #CV 12.830/11. Published by Carus Verlag (CA.1283… $4.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |

| Noah [Conducteur] Carus Verlag
Children's Choir, Soli, Speaker, Keyboard [ad lib with melody and rhythm instruments] - Level 1 SKU: CA.1255600 Ein Singspiel nach Motiven der Noahgeschichte aus 1. Mose 6-9. Composed by Ulrich Gohl. Children's music and musicals. German title: Noah. Sacred vocal mu… $18.95 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 2 to 3 weeks |