| The Song of Mary Magdalene: Now we are they who weep from Invictus: A Passion Soli, choeur mixte et accompagnement [Conducteur et Parties séparées] MorningStar Music Publishers
Soprano voice solo, SATB choir, and piano (E-flat Soprano saxophone, 2 Horns in F, Piano, Organ (or digital keyboard), Double String Quartet, Double Bass) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0109 Composed by Howard Goodall. Holy Week, Triduum/Three Days, Tenebrae, 21st Century… $3.35 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 24 hours - In Stock |

| Angels from the Realms of Glory (Holy Father, Great Creator) (Instrumental Parts) MorningStar Music Publishers
Choir and various instruments - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.60-1005B Composed by Donald Busarow. Instrument parts. MorningStar Music Publishers #60-1005B. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.60-1005B). Parts included: Trumpets I and II in B-flat Trombone… $25.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Who Will Separate Us from the Love of Christ? Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir and organ - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-5700 Composed by Philip W. J. Stopford. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-5700. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-5700). UPC: 688670557002. English. Romans 8:35-39. This setting of Romans 8 begins … $2.85 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Still, Still, Still (Choral Score) MorningStar Music Publishers
TTBB choir and keyboard, with optional flute, oboe, and string quintet - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-1317 Composed by Mark Shepperd. Christmas, 21st Century. Instrumental part. Duration 3 minutes, 18 seconds. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-1317. Published by MorningSta… $2.25 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Just a tale: A song for Christmas Chorale 3 parties SAB, Piano MorningStar Music Publishers
SAB choir and piano - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0085 Composed by Howard Goodall. Christmas, Sacred, 21st Century. Instrument parts. MorningStar Music Publishers #56-0085. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.56-0085). UPC: 688670220883. English. Despi… $2.75 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Chorale SATB SATB divisi, A Cappella MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir divisi (a cappella) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-1160 Composed by Neil Harmon. Christmas, Sacred, 21st Century. Instrument parts. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-1160. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-1160). UPC: 688670511608. English. … $2.25 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Sussex Carol from Enchanted Carols MorningStar Music Publishers
SS choir divisi and organ or piano - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0093 Composed by Howard Goodall. Christmas, 21st Century. Duration 2 minutes, 48 seconds. MorningStar Music Publishers #56-0093. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.56-0093). UPC: 688670221026.… $2.75 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Rejoice, Be Made Complete Chorale SATB MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir, optional congregation, organ - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-2513 Composed by Randy Edwards. Youth Cue Series. 21st Century. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-2513. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-2513). UPC: 688670525131. Scripture: … $2.25 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Psalm 19: Salmo 19 (English/Spanish Choral Score) MorningStar Music Publishers
Assembly, cantor, SATB choir, and organ, with optional guitar, flute, oboe, brass quintet, suspended cymbal, timpani, and strings - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.80-605F Composed by James Chepponis. Easter Vigil, Lent, Pentecost, Building Dedication. MorningStar Music Publish… $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending (Choral Score) Chorale SATB MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir and organ, with optional congregation and brass quartet - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.60-6350 Composed by David M. Cherwien. 21st Century, Praise/Thanksgiving, Stewardship. Choral score. MorningStar Music Publishers #60-6350. Published by MorningStar Music Publis… $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| The Angel Gabriel from Enchanted Carols (Choral Score) MorningStar Music Publishers
Soprano voice solo, SS and organ or piano, with optional cello - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0092 Composed by Howard Goodall. Annunciation, Advent, Advent Candlelighting, Lessons and Carols, 21st Century. Choral score. Duration 3 minutes, 48 seconds. MorningStar Music Pu… $2.75 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Puer nobis nascitur from Enchanted Carols MorningStar Music Publishers
Soprano voice solo, SS, and organ or piano - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0105 Composed by Howard Goodall. Christmas, Lessons and Carols, 21st Century. Duration 4 minutes, 9 seconds. MorningStar Music Publishers #56-0105. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.56-0… $2.75 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Stella quam viderant Magi from Enchanted Carols (Choral Score) MorningStar Music Publishers
SS and organ or piano, with optional cello - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0096 Composed by Howard Goodall. Epiphany, Lessons and Carols, 21st Century. Choral score. Duration 4 minutes, 6 seconds. MorningStar Music Publishers #56-0096. Published by MorningStar Music Publis… $2.75 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Strike the Cymbal MorningStar Music Publishers
2-part voices and keyboard (3-part Mixed) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-9421 Composed by Dale Grotenhuis and Franz Schubert. Arranged by Dale Grotenhuis. Romantic, Music. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-9421. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-9421… $2.15 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Here for Loving MorningStar Music Publishers
Unison/2-part choir and keyboard (3-part Mixed) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-6500 Composed by Sandy Wilkinson. Creation, Nature. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-6500. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-6500). UPC: 688670565007. Text: Trilby Jor… $2.25 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Angels from the Realms of Glory from Enchanted Carols MorningStar Music Publishers
Soprano voice solo, SSA choir divisi and organ or piano - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.56-0088 Composed by Howard Goodall. Christmas, Lessons and Carols, 21st Century. Duration 5 minutes, 27 seconds. MorningStar Music Publishers #56-0088. Published by MorningStar Music Publi… $3.15 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| God's Angels MorningStar Music Publishers
2-part treble choir and keyboard (2-part) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-9401 Composed by Kenneth T. Kosche. 21st Century. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-9401. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-9401). UPC: 688670594014. Scripture: Psalms 91. $2.15 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| He Is Born MorningStar Music Publishers
SSAT choir (cambiata), piano - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-1105 Composed by David Shaler. Christmas. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-1105. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-1105). UPC: 688670511059. English. Lively arrangement of traditio… $2.25 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| The Five Graces Gloria MorningStar Music Publishers
Assembly, cantor or choir, and organ, with optional handbells - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.80-516 Composed by Luke Mayernik. 21st Century. MorningStar Music Publishers #80-516. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.80-516). UPC: 688670805165. English. Psalm 96.<… $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 24 hours - In Stock |

| Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (Brass Quartet Parts) MorningStar Music Publishers
Choir and various instruments - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.60-7023B Composed by Donald Busarow. Instrument parts. MorningStar Music Publishers #60-7023B. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.60-7023B). Instrumental Parts include: Brass Quartet parts. $25.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Break Forth in Joyous Song Chorale SATB MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir, optional children's choir, congregation, keyboard, trumpet - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-6514 Composed by James Biery and Marilyn Biery. Year A Proper 23 (28); Catholic Year A Ordinary28. 21st Century. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-6514. Published … $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Before the Star (Choral Score) Chorale SATB SATB, Piano MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir and piano, with optional oboe, harp, percussion, strings, and handbells (4 treble Bells) (Instrumental Parts include: Oboe, Harp, Percussion (Glockenspiel, Chimes, and Sus. Cymbal), Strings, and Handbells (Four Treble Bells)) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-0081 … $2.85 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Oh, What Their Joy Chorale SATB MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir, congregation, organ, optional trumpet - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.60-8101 Composed by Robert A. Hobby. All Saints/All Souls, 21st Century. Octavo. MorningStar Music Publishers #60-8101. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.60-8101). UPC: 6886706810… $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord: Six Short Anthems or Introits Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir and organ - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-6086 Composed by Charles E. Callahan Jr. Choral Collection. 21st Century, Gathering/Processional. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-6086. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.50-6086). UPC: 688670560866. Engli… $3.15 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| Gather at the River (Choral Score) MorningStar Music Publishers
SSA choir and piano, with optional violin and cello (Instrumental parts include: Violin, Cello) - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.50-6180 Composed by Susan LaBarr. All Saints/All Souls. Instrument parts. MorningStar Music Publishers #50-6180. Published by MorningStar Music Publ… $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| God of Past, Who by Your Spirit Chorale SATB MorningStar Music Publishers
SATB choir, optional congregation, organ, trumpet - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.60-8704A Composed by Milburn Price. Catholic Year C All Saints Day; Year C Pentecost13; Catholic Year C Ordinary20; Year C All Saints;. All Saints/All Souls. Choral score. MorningStar Music Publ… $2.15 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| O Spirit All-Embracing: O God Beyond All Praising (Choral Score) Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue MorningStar Music Publishers
Congregation, SATB choir, and organ, with optional brass quartet/quintet, timpani, suspended cymbal, and handbells - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.60-5010 Composed by James Chepponis. Thanksgiving, Pentecost, Confirmation, Ordination/Installation, 21st Century, Praise/Thanksg… $2.65 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |

| O Sing a Song of Bethlehem MorningStar Music Publishers
Unison and SATB choir, brass (quartet or quintet), timpani, and organ, with optional soprano descant - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.20-015 Composed by Michael Burkhardt. Congregational Hymn Accompaniment. Christmas. Instrument parts. MorningStar Music Publishers #20-015. Pub… $35.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 24 hours - In Stock |

| Wexford Carol (Piano/Vocal Score) MorningStar Music Publishers
Solo voice and piano, with optional accordion and string quartet - Early Intermediate SKU: MN.40-125 Composed by Duane Funderburk. Christmas. Instrumental part. MorningStar Music Publishers #40-125. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers (MN.40-125). UPC: 68867040125… $8.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks |