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6650 partitions trouvées en s
The Raft Of The Medusa
The Raft Of The Medusa

Soprano, baritone, spoken voice, mixed choir (SSSSAAAATTTTBBBB, and 9 boys' voices, S/A) and orchestra (Vocal Score) - difficult

SKU: HL.49006579

Oratorio Vocal Score. Composed by Hans Werner Henze. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Cl…
$112.00 - Voir plus => Acheter
Délais: 24 hours - In Stock
Ziehrer Cm Nachtschwaermer Op466
Ziehrer Cm Nachtschwaermer Op466
Chorale TTBB
TTBB, Piano

Men's choir (TTBB) and piano (TENOR2) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49028367

Walzer Der letzte Sonnenschein. Composed by Carl Michael Ziehrer. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Choir part. Op. 466. 4 pages. Duration 10'. Schott Music #CRZ 47818-02. Published by Schott Music (HL…

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Desch R Ei Du Mein Lieber Goldschmied
Desch R Ei Du Mein Lieber Goldschmied
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49025470

Volkslied aus Franken. Composed by Rudolf Desch. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 4 pages. Schott Music #C 41680. Published by Schott Music (HL.49025470).


$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Sutermeister H Sonnenhymne Echnat
Sutermeister H Sonnenhymne Echnat
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) and instruments (KLA) - advanced to difficult

SKU: HL.49031973

Sonnenhymne des Echnaton. Composed by Johann Schelle. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Piano reduction. Composed 1965. 24 pages. Duration 11'. Schott Music …
$26.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49001135

4. Landler Am Sonntag ist Kirchweih. Composed by Ernst Fischer. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Classical. Choral Score. 4 pages. Schott Music #C 40130. Published by Schott Musi…

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Babel Choral Schre
Babel Choral Schre
Chorale TTBB

Narrator, men's choir (TTBB) and orchestra (CHP) - difficult

SKU: HL.49004815

Kantate nach Moses I, 11, 1-9. Composed by Igor Stravinsky. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Classical. Choral Score. Composed 1944. 2 pages. Duration 7'. Schott Music #ED 4342-01. Published b…
$2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Steuermann lass die Wacht
Steuermann lass die Wacht
Chorale TTBB

Choral (TTBB Choir) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49007001

Chor der norwegischen Matrosen aus Der fliegende Hollander. Composed by Richard Wagner. Arranged by Heinrich Poos. This edition: ED7152-01. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Classical. Choral Score. 4 pages. Schott Musi…

$4.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Fischer E Hobbies
Fischer E Hobbies
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB), soloists with accompaniment einer combo-BEbetzung (GIT(AKK)) - intermediate to advanced

SKU: HL.49031873

Ein lustiger Zyklus. Composed by Fischer. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Individual part. 8 pages. Duration 17'…

$9.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Lang H Reiter Und Maedchen
Lang H Reiter Und Maedchen
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - easy

SKU: HL.49024087

1. Der Reiter und das Madchen Wohlan, die Zeit ist kommen. Composed by LANG. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 2 pages. Schott Music #C 33613. Published by Schott Music (HL.49024087).

ISBN 9790…

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Wagner R Meisters Apotheose
Wagner R Meisters Apotheose
Chorale SATB

Mixed choir (SATB) or men's choir (TTBB/TB) and orchestra (KB) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49023881

Aus Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg. Composed by Richard Wagner. Edited by Cyrill Kistler. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Individual part. 2 pages. Duration…

$6.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Killmayer Still In Luft-- Chor
Killmayer Still In Luft-- Chor
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - advanced

SKU: HL.49026117

Zyklus, Teil I. Composed by Wilhelm Killmayer. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 8 pages. Duration 14'. Schott Music #C 49017. Published by Schott Music (HL.490…

$4.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Lang H Nun Will Der Lenz (ep)
Lang H Nun Will Der Lenz (ep)
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - easy

SKU: HL.49026612

Composed by LANG. Sheet music. Schott Chorblattreihe (Choral Music). Choral Score. 2 pages. Schott Music #CHBL 36. Published by Schott Music (HL.49026612).

ISBN 9790001017923. German.

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Psalm 23
Psalm 23
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) and solo (Bar) - advanced

SKU: HL.49001242

Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt. Composed by Heinrich Poos. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Classical. Choral Score. Composed 1976. 4 pages. Duration 4'. Schott Music…

$3.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Haas J Nachtwandler Op102 Serenade
Haas J Nachtwandler Op102 Serenade
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) with solo (T) and small orchestra (V3) - advanced

SKU: HL.49031507

Serenade Trommler, lass dein Kalbfell klingen. Composed by Haas. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Individual part. Op. 102. 4 pages. Duration 9'. Schott Music #ED 4295-13. Published by…

$5.95 - Voir plus => Acheter
Ein jegliches hat seine Zeit
Ein jegliches hat seine Zeit
Chorale TTBB

Choral; Orchestra - advanced to difficult

SKU: HL.49032161

Percussion Part. Composed by Heinrich Poos. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Classical. Individual part. 12 pages. Duration 40'. Schott Music #ED 6634-11. Published by Schott Music (HL.49032161).

ISBN 9790001…

$9.95 - Voir plus => Acheter
Der Frohe Wandersmann, Op. 75/1 "wem Gott Will Rechte Gunst Erweisen" Ttbb German
Der Frohe Wandersmann, Op. 75/1 "wem Gott Will Rechte Gunst Erweisen" Ttbb German
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49019811

Wem Gott will rechte Gunst erweisen. Composed by Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Choral. Der beruhmte Eichendorff-Text in der beliebten kunstvollen Originalkomposition anstelle einer…

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Festsprueche 2 Organ Part
Festsprueche 2 Organ Part
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB), 2 trumpets, 2 trombones, organ or woodwinds and strings ad libitum - intermediate

SKU: HL.49001378

Composed by Friedrich Zipp. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Classical. Playing score. 8 pages. Duration 5'. Schott Music #C 46382. Publishe…

$6.95 - Voir plus => Acheter
Weinlein Nun Gang Ein Reduction
Weinlein Nun Gang Ein Reduction
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB), solo (T) and small orchestra ( - - Pk., Schlagz. (kl. Tr., Becken, Tamb., Triangel) - Str.) - advanced

SKU: HL.49005324

Eine frohliche Weinkantate. Composed by Kurt Hessenberg. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition S…

$45.95 - Voir plus => Acheter
Fischer E Hobbies
Fischer E Hobbies
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB), soloists with accompaniment einer combo (CHP) - intermediate to advanced

SKU: HL.49031866

Ein lustiger Zyklus. Composed by Fischer. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Choral Score. 20 pages. Duration 17'. Schott Music #E…

$7.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Hessenberg K Das Sagt Der Amen Op46
Hessenberg K Das Sagt Der Amen Op46

Mixed choir (SSAT/ATBB) (CHP1) - advanced

SKU: HL.49031462

(Offenbarung 3, 14-21), Motette. Composed by Kurt Hessenberg. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Choral Score. Op. 46. 16 pages. Duration 8'. Schott Music #ED 4242-01. Published by Schott Music (HL.49031462).


$4.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Fussan W Festkant
Fussan W Festkant
Chorale TTBB

Children's choir (SMezA) with men's choir (TTBB) and string orchestra, trumpet in Bb and timpani or brass instruments (V3) - easy

SKU: HL.49032065

Unser sind die Stunden. Composed by Werner Fussan. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Individual part. 2 pages. Duration 10'.…

$4.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Mohler Ph Viva La Musica Op41
Mohler Ph Viva La Musica Op41
Chorale TTBB

Solo (S or T), men's choir (TTBB), string orchestra and 3 trumpets ad libitum (V1) - advanced

SKU: HL.49031857

Kantate. Composed by Philipp Mohler. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Individual part. Op. 41. 12 pages. Duration 25'. Schott Music #ED 5260-11. Published by S…

$8.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Gotovac J Am Adriat Meer
Gotovac J Am Adriat Meer
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - intermediate

SKU: HL.49024442

Nach dir ich mich sehne. Composed by Jakov Gotovac. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 8 pages. Duration 4'. Schott Music #C 37833. Published by Schott Music (HL.4902…

$4.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Weber Cm Es Blinken So Lustig (ep)
Weber Cm Es Blinken So Lustig (ep)
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) or female choir (SMezA) with piano or instrumentsn (flute, 3 violins, cello) (V2) - easy

SKU: HL.49024951

Aus der Oper Preziosa. Composed by Carl Maria von Weber. Arranged by Gustav Hecht. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Individual …

$4.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Gotovac J Gestohl Maentelchen Op15/3
Gotovac J Gestohl Maentelchen Op15/3
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - advanced

SKU: HL.49024448

Dafina, am feurigen Rotwein. Composed by Jakov Gotovac. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. Op. 15/3. 8 pages. Schott Music #C 37835. Published by Schott Music (HL.4902444…

$4.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Vesper Mens Chorus Score
Vesper Mens Chorus Score
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - easy

SKU: HL.49000987

Hort vom Strand ein Vespersingen. Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Edited by Joseph Haas. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Classical. Choral Score. 4 pages. Duration 4' 6''. Schott Musi…

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Lang H Verkehrte Welt
Lang H Verkehrte Welt
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - easy

SKU: HL.49024097

8. Verkehrte Welt. Composed by LANG. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 2 pages. Schott Music #C 33627. Published by Schott Music (HL.49024097).

ISBN 9790001005999. German.

$2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Lang H Hab Mein Wage Voll Gelade
Lang H Hab Mein Wage Voll Gelade
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) - advanced

SKU: HL.49024410

1. Hab mein Wage vollgelade (Holland, 17. Jh.). Composed by LANG. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 4 pages. Schott Music #C 37696. Published by Schott Music (HL.4902441…

$2.99 - Voir plus => Acheter
Gebhard H Auf Einem Baum Ein Kuckuck Sas
Gebhard H Auf Einem Baum Ein Kuckuck Sas
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) with female choir or children's choir (SA) - easy

SKU: HL.49024703

3. Auf einem Baum ein Kuckuck sass. Composed by Hans Gebhard. This edition: Folding. Sheet music. Schott Chorverlag (Choral Music). Choral Score. 6 pages. Schott Music #C 38539. Pu…

$3.50 - Voir plus => Acheter
Selig Durch Die Liebe
Selig Durch Die Liebe
Chorale TTBB

Men's choir (TTBB) (TTBB Choir) - easy

SKU: HL.49001659

Composed by Franz Schubert. Sheet music. Schott Chorblattreihe (Choral Music). Classical. Choral Score. 2 pages. Schott Music #CHBL 80. Published by Schott Music (HL.49001659).

ISBN 9790001018159. German.

$2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter

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