| My Soul Gives Glory to the Holy One Chorale SSAATB GIA Publications
SSAATB choir, cantor, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in f, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani - Late intermediate SKU: GI.G-9701 Composed by Jan Michael Joncas. Assumption, Immaculate Conception, M… $2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in f, trombone 1, trombone 2, tuba, timpani - Intermediate SKU: GI.G-10682 Concertato on MENDELSSOHN. Arranged by Charles Thatcher. Christmastid… $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above - Instrument edition GIA Publications
Trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani SKU: GI.G-2972INST Concertato on MIT FREUDEN ZART. Composed by Robert Cummings. This edition: Instrument edition. Chamber Music. Tune Name: Mit Freuden Zart. Sacred. Instrumental part(s). 12 pages. GIA Publicatio… $20.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Lauda, Sion, Salvatorem - Full Score and Parts Chorale SATB [Conducteur] GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantors, voice solos, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, horn in F, timpani SKU: GI.G-7140INST Composed by Jan Michael Joncas. Body and Blood of Christ. Sacred. Full s… $45.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Mass of Remembrance - Assembly Edition Chorale Unison GIA Publications
Unison voices, 2 C instruments, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani, guitar, 2 or 3 octaves handbells SKU: GI.G-7843A Revised Order of Mass 2010. Composed by Marty Haugen. This edition: Assembly e… $1.35 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Trilingual Alleluia for the Easter Season Chorale 3 parties SAB GIA Publications
SAB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, flute, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, 2 octaves handbells, guitar - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-10815 Introduction to the Easter Vigil Psalm / Easter… $2.70 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Eternal Father, Strong to Save - Full Score and Parts Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue [Conducteur] GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, horn in F, trombone 2, tuba, timpani SKU: GI.G-8993INST Concertato on MELITA. Composed by John Bacchus Dykes. Arranged by Robert J. Powel… $35.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem - Brass Sextet edition GIA Publications
Trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trumpet 3 in B-flat, horn in f, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trumpet 3 in B-flat, trumpet 3 in C, tromb SKU: GI.G-4188INSTB… $29.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Ecce Maria GIA Publications
Trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 3 in B-flat, trombone 1, trombone 2, trombone 3, tuba - Beginning SKU: GI.G-2073 Composed by Hans Leo Hassler. Edited by George Wiskirchen. Sacred. Instrumental part(s). GIA Publications #2073. Published by GIA Publications… $5.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Unto Us Is Born a Child Chorale SATB SATB, Clavier GIA Publications
SATB choir, keyboard accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in f, trombone - Beginning SKU: GI.G-3818 Puer nobis nascitur. Composed by Russell Schulz-Widmar. Arranged by Russell Schulz-Widmar. Christmastide, Chr… $1.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| All of Me Chorale SATB GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, piano accompaniment, flute, tenor saxophone, trumpet in B-flat, trumpet in C, trombone, violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, percussion, electric bass - Intermediate SKU: GI.G-10512 Ode to Sr. Thea. Composed by M. Roger Holland, II. In Spirit and … $2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Concertato on Westminster Abbey Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in f, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-10867 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation / Lo, He Comes, with Clouds Descending… $2.70 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Mass of Remembrance - Presider edition GIA Publications
Priest, assembly, 2 C instruments, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani, guitar, 2 or 3 octaves handbells SKU: GI.G-7843P Revised Order of Mass 2010. Composed by Marty Haugen. This edition: Preside… $9.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Lift High the Cross Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in f, trombone, tuba, timpani - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-10699 Concertato on CRUCIFER. Composed by Sydney Nicholson. Arranged by Richard J. … $2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| All of Me - Lead Sheet edition GIA Publications
Flute, tenor saxophone, trumpet in B-flat, trumpet in C, trombone, violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, percussion, electric bass, guitar SKU: GI.G-10023LS Ode to Sr. Thea. This edition: Lead Sheet edition. Sacred. 6 pages. GIA Publications #10023LS. Published by GIA P… $7.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Mass for the City (Full Score) Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue [Conducteur] GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, horn in F 1, horn in F 2, horn in F 3, horn in F iv, timpani SKU: GI.G-7805FS Revised Order of Mass 2010. Composed by… $18.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Praise to the Lord, the Almighty - Full Score and Parts Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue [Conducteur] GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in F, trombone 1, trombone 2 SKU: GI.G-6856INST Concertato on LOBE DEN HERREN. Arranged by Robert J. Powell. Ordinary Time 12 A, Thanksgiving Da… $29.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Mass of the Epiphany - Assembly edition Chorale Unison GIA Publications
Unison voices, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn 1 in f, horn 2 in f, trombone, violin, cello, guitar SKU: GI.G-10912A Composed by Ross Caniglia. This edition: Assembly edition. Christmastide. Mass. Sacred. Assembly edition. 4 p… $1.35 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Mary, Don't You Weep Chorale 3 parties SAB, Piano GIA Publications
SAB choir, cantor, voice solo, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, clarinet in B-flat, trumpet in B-flat, trumpet in C, trombone, guitar - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-9599 Arranged by Rory Cooney. Eastertide, Easter Vigil, Easter Sunday. Celebration Series. Sacred. Octavo. … $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise / Jesus Is Risen! Let Us Sing! Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-9375 Composed by Steven Van Wye. Eastertide, Ascension of the Lord, Easter Sunday, Easter Vigil. Choral… $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 24 hours - In Stock | | 
| No Greater Love (Full Score) Chorale SATB [Conducteur] GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, flute, oboe, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trombone 1, trombone 2, horn 1 in f, horn 1 in f, bassoon, tuba, timpani, violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, bass, harp SKU: GI.G-3141FS Composed by Jan Michael Joncas. Sacred. Full score. … $8.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| The World Itself Keeps Easter Day Chorale 3 parties SAB GIA Publications
SAB choir, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trombone 1, trombone 2 - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-2627 Composed by Robert Edward Smith. Eastertide, Easter Sunday. Choral. Sacred. Octavo. 8 pages. GIA Publications #2627. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-2627). … $2.20 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Christ Is the King Chorale SATB SATB, Orgue GIA Publications
SATB choir, assembly, organ accompaniment, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-2644 Concertato on GELOBT SEI GOTT. Composed by Melchior Vulpius. Arranged by Carl F. … $2.40 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Mass of Creation / Misa de la Creación - Presider edition GIA Publications
Priest, assembly, 2 C instruments, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trombone 1, trombone 2, timpani, guitar, 2 or 3 octaves handbells SKU: GI.G-8531P A Bilingual Setting of the Revised Order of Mass 2010. Composed by Marty Ha… $9.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Come, Emmanuel Mass - Instrument edition GIA Publications
C instrument 1, C instrument 2, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trombone 1, trombone 2 SKU: GI.G-10698INST Composed by Paul Hillebrand. This edition: Instrument edition. Mass. Tune Name: Veni Emmanuel. Sacred. Instrumental part(s).… $27.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Lamb of God: Te Deum - Instrument edition GIA Publications
Trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trombone, tuba, timpani SKU: GI.G-3404INST Composed by Howard Hughes. This edition: Instrument edition. Sacred. Instrumental part(s). 2 pages. GIA Publications #3404INST. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-3404INST). $17.00 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| God of Grace and God of Glory GIA Publications
Trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trombone 1, trombone 2 SKU: GI.G-2953INST Concertato on CWM RHONDDA. Composed by John Hughes. Arranged by Sam Batt Owens. Chamber Music. Tune Name: Cwm Rhondda. Sacred. Instrumental part(s). 10 pages. GIA Publications #2953INST. Published by GI… $15.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Lift High the Cross - Full Score and Parts [Conducteur] GIA Publications
Trumpet 1, trumpet 2, trumpet 3, trombone 1, trombone 2, trombone 3, timpani SKU: GI.G-2630INST Concertato on CRUCIFER. Composed by Sydney Nicholson. Arranged by Richard Hillert. Tune Name: Crucifer. Sacred. Full score and parts. 32 pages. GIA Publications #2630INST… $35.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| Franciscan Alleluia Chorale SATB SATB, Piano GIA Publications
SATB choir, cantor, assembly, keyboard accompaniment, flute, violin, trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 1 in C, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in C, horn in f, trombone, tuba, timpani, guitar - Early intermediate SKU: GI.G-10293 Composed by Peter M. Kolar. Ritual Prayer. Sacred.… $2.50 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | | 
| A Song of Praise and Thanksgiving - Instrument edition GIA Publications
Trumpet 1 in B-flat, trumpet 2 in B-flat, trombone 1, trombone 2, percussion SKU: GI.G-5361INST Composed by John Leavitt. This edition: Instrument edition. Sacred. Instrumental part(s). 20 pages. GIA Publications #5361INST. Published by GIA Publications (GI.G-5361INST). $23.00 - Voir plus => Acheter Délais: 1 to 2 weeks | |
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