Contenu: Auteurs Divers Gibbons: Almighty and everlasting GodElgar: Ave verum corpusMozart: Ave verum corpusWesley: Blessed be the GodAttwood: Come, Holy GhostWalmisley: From all that dwellStainer: God so loved the worldFarrant: Hide not thou thy faceStainer: How beautiful upon the mountainsTallis: If ye love meBach: Jesu, joy of man's desiringWesley: Lead me, LordLord, for thy tender mercy's sake (16th century)Tye: O come, ye servants of the LordGoss: O Saviour of the worldWood: O thou the central orbRejoice in the Lord (16th century)Roberts: Seek ye the LordHaydn: The heavens are tellingPurcell: Thou knowest, LordGreene: Thou visitest the earthWesley: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peaceHolst: Turn back, O manAttwood: Turn thy face from my sinsStandford: Ye choirs of new Jerusalem