Contenu: Auteurs Divers Advent: A. Fletcher: Cross of JesusFranconiaP. Moore: Halton HolgateM. Archer: MertonN. Rawsthorne: Veni, EmmanuelA. Moore: Veni, EmmanuelR. Bonighton: Wachet aufM. Archer: Winchester NewChristmas and Epiphany: N. Rawsthorne: 'Adeste fideles'Birjina Gazbettobat ZegoenBransle de l'OfficialC. Tambling: Bransle de l'OfficialA. Moore: BunessanM. Archer: Corde NatusP. Moore: Corde NatusB. Roe: Coventry carolR. Lloyd: Cradle songA. Moore: Cradle songM. Archer: CranhamN. Rawsthorne: CranhamM. Archer: DixN. Rawsthorne: Forest GreenGod rest you merry, gentlemenGreensleevesC. Tambling: HumilityN. Rawsthorne: In dulci jubiloA. Fletcher: Infant holyA. Moore: IrbyN. Rawsthorne: IrbyC. Hand: IrisN. Rawsthorne: IrisR. Proulx: I saw three shipsN. Rawsthorne: Kings of OrientMendelssohnM. Setchell: MendelssohnC. Mawby: Puer NobisN. Rawsthorne: Puer NobisC. Tambling: Quem pastoresC. Mawby: Resonet in LaudibusJ. Nixon: Resonet in LaudibusP. Moore: RockingN. Warren: Stille NachtM. Archer: StuttgartQ. Thomas: Sussex carolP. Bryan: Tempus adest floridumJ. Nixon: The first NowellR. Proulx: The holly and the ivyA. Moore: Winchester OldP. Moore: Winchester OldN. Rawsthorne: YorkshireLent and Holy Week: J. Nixon: Aus der TiefeA. Moore: BelmontR. Lloyd: CaswallR. Shephard: HorsleyA. Moore: Passion choraleLloyd Webber: Passion choraleR. Bonighton: RockinghamR. Proulx: RockinghamA.E. Floyd: Song 13 (Canterbury)J. Nixon: Song 13 (Canterbury)C. Hand: SouthwellA. Fletcher: St BernardA. Moore: St TheodulphA. Viner: Stabat MaterC. Tambling: Were you thereA. Moore: Winchester NewLloyd Webber: Winchester NewEaster and Ascension: C. Tambling: Christ aroseN. Rawsthorne: Easter HymnC. Tambling: Easter HymnP. Moore: EllacombeJ. Nixon: EllacombeA. Gant: Gelob't sei GottA. Moore: LlanfairLux eoiN. Rawsthorne: MaccabaeusC. Mawby: NarenzaM. Archer: Noel nouveletC. Mawby: O filii et filiaeC. Tambling: O filii et filiaeR. Bonighton: SalzburgSavannahS. Vann: SavannahP. Bryan: St AlbinusR. Lloyd: St FulbertP. Moore: St FulbertC. Tambling: St HelenN. Rawsthorne: St John DamasceneA. Ridout: This joyful EastertideC. Hand: VictoryN. Rawsthorne: VictoryPentecost: P. Bryan: CapetownCarlisleR. Proulx: CharityJ. Nixon: Farley CastleJ. Jordan: Tallis' OrdinalM. Archer: Veni, Creator SpiritusR. Proulx: Veni, Creator SpiritusN. Rawsthorne: Veni, Creator SpiritusTrinity: J. Marsch: Nicaea