Contenu: Auteurs Divers White: A prayer of St RichardGounod: Ave MariaRizza: Calm me, LordPachelbel: Christ be with meMalcolm: Desiderium animaeMacDowell: Gladness, sadness, joy and sorrowStainer: God so loved the worldHändel: Hallelujah ChorusChopin: In an upper roomRizza: Jesus, you are the wayMozart: Laudate DominumArcher: Let all the worldAnderson: Let the heavens declareMahler: Lord, I would serve youMendelssohn: O for the wingsRizza: O Lord, my heart is not proudCharpentier: Proclaim the storyRizza: Silent, surrenderedBeethoven: Sing aloud, the day is breakingAnderson: Sing it in the valleysMayhew: Softly, tread softlyRizza: Take my hands, LordRizza: Veni, lumen cordiumRizza: You are the centreAnderson: Your love's greaterHändel: Zadok the priest