Contenu: Auteurs Divers Ford: Almighty God, which hast me broughtWesley: Ascribe unto the LordEslava: Bone PastorFauré: Co equal SonWood: Glorious and powerful GodTchaikovsky: Holy, holy, holyBrahms: How lovely are thy dwellings fairMendelssohn: I waited for the LordGoss: If we believe that Jesus diedMendelssohn: If with all your heartsMudd: Let thy merciful earsElgar: Light of the WorldOxley: Lord, how graciousHumperdinck: Loving Shepherd of thy sheepStanford: O for a closer walk with GodMundy: O Lord, the maker of all thingsFauré: Pie JesuPurcell: Sound the trumpetElgar: The Spirit of the LordMendelssohn: There shall a star appear