Contenu: Auteurs Divers Tanaka: Au printempsTrad. Turkmenian: Bari gelTrad. Spanish: CanariosC.P.E. Bach : CanonJ.S. Bach: CanonGiblin: Chicken chowderHarrison: Cho suey rag K.12Trad. Bulgarian: Daichava CharaMedieval: DuctiaTanaka: Du ja et du panTrad. Spanish: El oléPeruvian: Farewell for SantiagoJohnson: From early 'til 4 until lateDussek: From L'InvocationTrad. Vietnamese: Hai hoaTrad. English: Harvest homeLink: Headstand hornpipeO'Hare: Levee revelsWhythorne: Lyke as the birds that swallowes hightHarrison: Moorish danceMorris danceNot now, I'm workingPhairoh: Oracle of lightAnon.: Reed estampieSagirbayev: Serper15th Century Spanish: Stella splendensJoplin and Marshall: SwipesyHarrison: SwoopsySwopsey15th Century anon.: Talent mes prusMedieval English: The Agincourt carolHarrison: The cloud forestTrad. Peruvian: The hymn of the people of AyocuchoTrad. Irish: The merry harriersHarrison: Trois for duosTrad. English: Trumpet hornpipeTelemann: Two canonsJosquin: Two duosSusato: Two Tenaissance dancesBerlioz: VillanelleBartok: WanderingTrad. Ghanaian: Wik music