Contenu: Auteurs Divers G. Verdi: Confutatis from RequiemJ.S. Bach: Gladly would I take upon me from St Matthew PassionG.F. Händel: Honour and arms from SamsonF. Mendelssohn: It is enough from ElijahG. Fauré: Libera me (abridged) from RequiemJ.S. Bach: Mighty Lord, and King all glorious from Christmas OratorioF. Mendelssohn: O God, have mercy from St PaulJ.S. Bach: Quia fecit from MagnificatG.F. Händel: Revenge, Timotheus cries from Alexander's FeastF.J. Haydn: Rolling in foaming billows from The CreationG.F. Händel: Why do the nations from Messiah