Contenu: Gade Niels Wilhelm / Hartmann Johann Peter Emilius General Introduction (N.W. GadeWorks)Zur Ausgabe (N.W. GadeWerke)Generelt forord (J.P.E. Hartmann, Udvalgte Vaerker)General Preface (J.P.E. Hartmann, Selected Works)Zur Edition (J.P.E. Hartmann, Ausgewählte Werke)IndledningPreface to this VolumeZum vorliegenden BandFaksimilerFacsimilesFaksimilesDescription of the SourcesN.W. Gade (vol. VI:2a)J.P.E. Hartmann (vol. IV:2):A Folk Tale, Act 1Critical ReportA Folk Tale, Act 2Critical ReportN.W. Gade (vol. VI:2b):A Folk Tale, Act 3AppendixCritical Report