Contenu: Auteurs Divers The Daisies (Barber)Meadow Larks (Beach)A Moonlight Song (Cadman)The Crying of Water (Campbell Tipton)Looking Glass River (Carpenter)And So, Goodbye (Charles)Knock on the Door (Crist)A Lover's Lament (Deis)On a Faded Violet (Farwell)The Lament of Ian the Proud (Griffes)Mary Alone (Guion)The rose leaves are falling like rain (Hadley)Down Bye Street (Homer)The Bird of the Wilderness (Horseman)Wall Paper (Kingsford)I Have seen Dawn (Kramer)Retreat (la Forge)The Homing Heart (Malotte)Shoes (Manning)Heartsease (Powell)The Rock of Rubies (Spalding)The Breath of a Rose (Still)Eldorado (Stillman Kelley)Wings of Night (Watts)I am thy harp (Woodman).