Arnold Schönberg: String Quartet No. 2 - F# minor for soprano and string quartet op. 10 PH229 Arnold Schoenberg's String Quartet No. 2 op. 10 with soprano (1907 /1908) is among the founding documents of New Music. Instrument: for soprano and string quartet Edition type: pocket score Composer: Schönberg Arnold 'This quartet adds a new element to Schoenberg's creative oeuvre: brevity. It was already indicated by the succinctness of the Chamber Symphony and is clearly expressed in the structure of the F sharp minor Quartet with four shorter movements. There is only a small step from the harmonic language of this work to a complete renunciation of tonality. The last movement - although, in the main, belonging to F sharp mayor - no longer carries a key signature. Chromatic alteration turns the fourth chords into harmonies never heard before, free from any tonal context.' (Anton Webern)