The Making of Ann & Séamus: A Chamber Opera-Directed by Michael Ostroff (Pegi Nicol) and produced by Mary Sexton (Gemini Award Winning Tommy...A Family Portrait) and Heather Eustace To Think Like a Composer is a joyful and exuberant introduction tothe world of Canadian composer conductor educator and renaissance man Stephen Hatfield. A documentary that reveals the creative collaborative excitement and tension as Hatfield and Susan Knight and Shallaway Youth Chorus of St.John's produce an opera performed by youth for adults. An opera based on the novel Ann & S amus by Kevin Major. There are no patronizing platitudes in Hatfield's work. The opera deals with sadness heartbreak andthe joy of existence – the Newfoundland ethos – as interpreted in a story of shipwreck survival and love on the Isle Aux Morts off the southwest coast of Newfoundland in 1828.