Hal Leonard Student Piano Library-A piano method to please students teachers and parents! The Hal Leonard Student Piano Library is clear concise and carefully graded. Perfect for private and group tuition.Piano Lessons Book 4 covers relatedfive-finger patterns exploring the C major and A minor scales and primary triads exploring the G major and E minor scales and primary triads. CD also available.About this series: When music excites our interest andimagination we eagerly put our hearts into learning it. The music in the Hal Leonard Student Piano Library encourages practise progress confidence and success. The series offers: a variety of styles and moods;natural rhythmic flow singable melodies and lyrics; teacher accompaniments; improvisation; instrumental accompaniments through CD or MIDI files; realistic pacing which is challenging without being overwhelming; clear and concisepresentation of concepts which allows room for a teacher's individual approach; uncluttered page layout; basic theory and technique covered. There are five stages to the Hal Leonard Student Piano Library each of whichis associated with a Piano Lessons Book (and accompanying CD) a Piano Solos Book (and accompanying CD) a Piano Practice Games Book a Piano Theory Workbook and a set of Music Flash Cards. Practice Record and Teacher's Plannerare also available.