Contenu: My Song
Sing for the peace of the world
L??ab?rni / The Bear Cubs
Vem kan segla förutan vind / Who can sail without the wind (Swedish folksong)
Skrien Vis?tr?k / Princesses run the fastest
Cik pasaule ?ir skaista / This world is so very lovely
Dz?voj pie kundzi?a / I lived on a farm with Simon (Latvian Folk Song)
Aiz kalni?a m?nesti?is / The Moon Behind the Hill Simon (Latvian Folk Song)
Ar vilci?u R?g? braucu / Once, I rode a wolf to Riga Simon (Latvian Folk Song)
Zvirbuli, zvirbuli, kad ?emsi sievu / Sparrow, oh sparrow, when will you get married Simon (Latvian Folk Song)
Putnu m?te putnus sauca / The Spirit of the Forest is Calling the Birds (Latvian folksong)
Neviens putni? t? nep?ta / Theres no bird that sings as sweetly (Latvian folksong) / Recueil / 68 page(s) / Ismn: 8388607