Contenu: 1. A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Ein? Feste Burg)
2. Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
3. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (St. George?s Windsor)
4. Crown Him with Many Crowns (Diademata)
5. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Repton)
6. Faith of Our Fathers (St. Catherine)
7. For All the Saints (Sine Nomine)
8. For the Beauty of the Earth (Dix)
9. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (Austrian Hymn)
10. Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea)
11. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (Ellacombe)
12. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord (St. Thomas)
13. Jesu, Joy of Man?s Desiring
14. Jesus Shall Reign (Duke Street)
15. Just as I Am (Woodworth) 16. Lead On, O King Eternal (Lancashire)
17. Lo! He Comes, with Clouds Descending (Helmsley)
18. Lord, Speak to Me (Canonbury)
19. Love Divine (Beecher)
20. O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St. Anne)
21. O Worship the King (Lyons)
22. Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven (Lauda Anima)
23. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Love den Herren)
24. Rejoice, the Lord is King (Darwall)
25. The Strife is O?er, the Battle Done (Victory)
26. Trust And Obey
27. We Gather Together (Kremser)
28. What A Friend We Have in Jesus
29. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Hamburg) / Tablatures / 64 page(s) / Ismn: 8388607