| William Bay Trumpet Anthology (BAY WILLIAM) 54.20 EUR - Voir plus - Acheter Délais: 3-5 joursMatériel : Partition + Accès audio Par BAY WILLIAM. This is a collection of 155 solos for trumpet, cornet, or flugelhorn. Ninety-one were recorded on various trumpets, 37 were recorded on cornet and 27 on flugelhorn. One hundred and fourteen are original compositions and the remaining 41 are arrangements on favorite hymns and sacred songs. A warm-up study is also included. This compilation comprises 6 books; Trumpet Chants; Trumpet Tone Poems, Trumpet Ballads and Waltzes, Trumpet Partitas, Soliloquies for Flugelhorn, Trumpet or Cornet, and Hymns for Unaccompanied Trumpet. Many of the pieces have been revised and new ones have been added. Each book was recorded with a different instrument although Trumpet Ballads and Waltzes and Trumpet Partitas were both recorded with a cornet. However, a different mouthpiece was used for each of those two recordings, thus giving each a slightly different sound. Both the instrument and the mouthpiece used are noted on the title page of each section. Most of the selections are aimed at developing tone and lyricism on the trumpet. However, Trumpet Partitas definitely addresses technical issues. There is a wealth of music in this collection, and it will add much to trumpet practice and performance repertoire. Includes access to an online recording of the author performing each of the 155 solos. / Date parution : 2023-06-01/ Recueil / Trompette Instrumentation : Editeur : | |
Contenu: 1. Abide With Me [William Bay]
2. Amazing Grace [William Bay]
3. Be Thou My Vision [William Bay]
4. Beneath the Cross of Jesus [William Bay]
5. Bread of the World [William Bay]
6. Breathe on Me, Breath of God [William Bay]
7. Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched [William Bay]
8. Come, Holy Spirit [William Bay]
11. Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah [William Bay]
12. Easter Fanfare [William Bay]
13. Glory Be To Jesus [William Bay]
14. Fairest Lord Jesus [William Bay]
15. My God Will Supply My Need [William Bay]
16. Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face [William Bay]
17. Holy, Holy, Holy [William Bay] 18. It is Well with My Soul [William Bay]
19. I Will Arise and Go To Jesus [William Bay]
20. Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence [William Bay]
21. Nearer, My God, to Thee [William Bay]
22. O God, We Praise Thee [William Bay]
23. O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near [William Bay]
24. Palmetto/Trumpet Duet (Shall We Gather/Alternate Melody) [William Bay]
25. Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven [William Bay]
26. Prasie to the Lord, the Almighty [William Bay]
27. Rejoice, The Lord is King [William Bay]
28. I Bow to Thee, My Country (Thaxted) [William Bay]
29. The Church?s One Foundation [William Bay]
30. My Faith Looks Up to Thee [William Bay]
31. The God of Abraham Praise [William Bay]
32. The King of Love My Shepherd Is [William Bay] 33. The Lord is My Shepherd [William Bay]
34. The Lord?s My Shepherd [William Bay]
35. Wayfarin? Stranger [William Bay]
36. We Gather Together to Ask the Lord?s Blessing [William Bay]
37. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross [William Bay]
38. When Jesus Left His Father?s Throne [William Bay]
39. Love Divine [William Bay]
40. Wondrous Love [William Bay]
41. For the Beauty of the Earth [William Bay]
42. This is My Father?s World [William Bay]
910. Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing [William Bay] / Recueil / Ismn: 8388607
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Information vendeur : | LMI-Partitions | Emplacement géographique : | France, Toulon | Livraison : | Europe et USA | Frais de ports : | |