Contenu: Haendel Georg Friedrich Awake The Trumpet's Lofty Sound Fix'd in His everlasting (Handel Sampson)
Glorious hero! (Handel Sampson)
Go, baffled coward (Handel Sampson)
Great Dragon (Handel Sampson)
Hear us, our God (Handel Sampson)
Hear, Jacob's God (Handel Sampson)
Her faith and truth (Handel Sampson)
The Holy One of Israel (Handel Sampson)
Honor And Arms (Handel Sampson)
How willing my paternal (Handel Sampson)
Let The Bright Seraphim
Let their celestial (Handel Sampson)
My faith and truth (Handel Sampson)
O first created (Handel Sampson)
Presuming slave (Handel Sampson)
Return, O God Of Hosts (Handel Sampson)
Then round about (Handel Sampson)
Then shall they know (Handel Sampson)
Thus when the sun (Handel Sampson)
Thy Glorious Deeds (Handel)
Thy glorious deeds (Handel Sampson)
To dust his glory (Handel Sampson)
To fame immortal go (Handel Sampson)
To man God's universal (Handel Sampson)
To song and dance (Handel Sampson)
Total Eclipse! No Sun,No Moon
Traitor to love (Handel Sampson)
Weep, Israel (Handel Sampson)
Why Does The God Of Israel Sleep
With plaintive notes (Handel Sampson)
With thunder armed (Handel Sampson)
Ye men of Gaza (Handel Sampson)
Ye sons of Israel (Handel Sampson)