Song List:
Part I: Adoration of the Earth
The Augurs of Spring (Dances of the Young Girls) (Les augures printaniers, Danses des adolescentes)
The Mock Abduction (Jeu du rapt)
Spring Round Dance (Rondes printanires)
Games of the Rival Clans (Jeu des cites rivales)
Procession of the Wise Elder (Cortge du sage)
Adoration of the Earth (The Wise One) (Adoration de la Terre, Le sage) Dance of the Earth (Danse de la terre)
Part II: The Sacrifice (Le Sacrifice)
Mystical Circles of the Young Girls (Cercles mysterieux des adolescentes)
Glorification of the Chosen Victim (Glorification de l'Elue)
The Summoning of the Ancients (Evocation des ancetres)
Ritual Dance of the Ancients (Action rituelle des ancetres)
Sacrificial Dance (The Chosen Victim) (Danse sacrale (l'Elue))