Song List:
Morgen! (R. Strauss)
Beau soir (C. Debussy)
Over the land is April (R. Quilter)
I walked today where Jesus walked (G. O'Hara)
The Porcupine from AT THE ZOO (A.W. Kramer)
The Snake from AT THE ZOO (A.W. Kramer)
The Giraffe from AT THE ZOO (A.W. Kramer)
But the Lord is mindful of His own from ST. PAUL (F. Mendelssohn)
By dimpled brook (T.A. Arne)
Corals (B. Treharne)
Dolce scherza (G.A. Perti)
Evening Song (C. Edwards)
Ich liebe dich (E. Grieg)
If there were dreams to sell (J. Ireland)
Landscape (C.T. Griffes)
Lord, how long wilt Thou forget me? (Ranzzini)
Menuet d'Exaudet (A.J. Exaudet)
Mit einer Wasserlilie (E. Grieg)
Morgen-Hymne (G. Henschel)
My lover is a fisherman (L. Strickland)
Nussbaum, Der (R. Schumann)
O lovely Peace from JUDAS MACCABAEUS (G.F. Handel)
O praise the Lord (M. Greene)
Prayer of the Norwegian Child (R. Kountz)
Sapphische Ode (J. Brahms)
Since first I met thee (A. Rubinstein)
Slumber Song (A. Gretchaninoff)
Spiagge amate from PARIDE ED ELENA (C.W. Gluck)
To come, O Lord, to Thee (W. Stickles)
Un cor da voi ferito from LA ROSAURA (A. Scarlatti)
Bubble Song, The (M. Shaw)
Lark now leaves his watery nest, The (H. Parker)
Little Old Lady in Lavender Silk, The (M.M. Vinmont)
Louts Bloom, The (J.J. Niles)
Clair de lune (G. Fauré)
Première Danse (J. Massenet)
Still wie die Nacht (K. Böhm)