Song List:
Elephant Walking (Maintaing a slow steady pulse, Right hand in bass clef, Basso ostinato in left hand)
Gazelle Prancing (Slur, Rapid changes in hand position, Projecting a feeling of movement and gaiety)
Snake Sneaking (Good tone production at a soft dynamic level, Subtle differrences in toouch)
Natives Dancing (Coordination between hands, Developing finger strength, Continous changes of position in right hand against left hand ostinato, Playing with a strong sense of drive)
Jungle River Flowing (Dynamic balance betwee hands, Maintaing a mysterious mood, Sensitive Pedals)
Crocodile Basking (Triplet rhythm, Right hand broken chords, Portraying a humorous mood)
Beetle Creeping (Chromatic figure in left hand, Left Hand in treble clef, Using upper register of piano)
Tiger Stalking (Whole-tone scale patterns in one hand mirrored in the other, Dynamic flexibilty, Tone cluster (last chord))
Orchid Blooming (Dynamic balance between hands, Right hand extended position, Using tone and tempo to create a delicate mood)
Baboons Talking (Dialog between hands, Utilizing (and balancing) contrasting registers of the keyboard)
Giant Vines Growing (Keyboard freedom, "Finger-pedal" (sustaining notes with fingers instead of with pedal), ff accent)
Jungle Sunset Glowing (Right hand passing from melody to accompaniment, Changing hand position at soft dynamic level, Interlocking hands)