Gala del Dia (Finery of the Day) is No. 1 of the Indianas suite by Carlos Guastavino, which may be performed individually or as a suite.1. Gala del Dia (Finery of the Day) Ed. 89112. Quien Fuera Como El JazminO (Who Could Be Like the JasmineO) Ed. 89123. Chanarcito, ChanarcitoO (A Thorny Bush) Ed. 89134. Viento Norte (Northern Wind) Ed. 89145. Al Tribunal de Tu Pecho (For the Court of Your Heart6. Una de Dos (One Or the Other) Ed. 8916Carlos Guastavino writes in a romantic-nationalistic style, and even though he does not incorporate folk music, his music is permeated by the Argentine influence.