Song List:
Unit 1
Lesson 1: The Staff, Notes and Pitches
Lesson 2: Treble Clef and Staff
Lesson 3: Bass Clef and Staff
Lesson 4: The Grand Staff and Ledger Lines (the middle notes)
Lesson 5: Ledger Lines (low and high notes)
Lesson 5b: Alto Clef and Staff
Lesson 5c: Alto Clef Ledger Lines
Ear Training for Lessons 1-5
Review of Lessons 1-5
Unit 2
Lesson 6: Note Values
Lesson 7: Measure, Bar Line and Double Bar
Lesson 8: 4/4 Time Signature and Note Values
Lesson 9: Whole, Half and Quarter Rests
Ear Training for Lessons 6-9
Review of Lessons 6-9
Unit 3
Lesson 10: 2/4 Time Signature
Lesson 11: 3/4 Time Signature
Lesson 12: Dotted Half Note
Lesson 13: Ties and Slurs
Ear Training for Lessons 10-13
Review of Lessons 10-13
Unit 4
Lesson 14: Repeat Sign, 1st and 2nd Endings
Lesson 15: Eighth Notes
Lesson 16: Eighth Rests
Lesson 17: Dotted Quarter Note
Ear Training for Lesson 14-17
Review of Lessons 14-17
Unit 5
Lesson 18: Dynamic Signs
Lesson 19: Tempo Marks
Lesson 20: Articulation
Lesson 21: D.C., D.S., Coda and Fine
Ear Training for Lessons 18-21
Review of Lessons 18-21
Unit 6
Lesson 22: Flats
Lesson 23: Sharps
Lesson 24: Naturals
Lesson 25: Whole Steps, Half Steps and Enharmonic Notes
Ear Training for Lessons 22-25
Review of Lessons 22-25
Glossary & Index of Terms & Symbols