Song List:
Rising Sun
Dolphin Dreams
All the Raindrops
Allegro Skips
Baby Owl
Bass Clef Chant
Bedtime Boogie Woogie
Birthday Cake for Me
Cat Game
Cinderella's Waltz
Dinner with Wolfgang
E-G-B's Morning Warm-Up
Go Tell Aunt Rhodie (Theme and Variation)
Leap for the Pinata
Let's Go Play!
Ludwig's Accents
Mama's Bakin' Apple Pie
Marching Band Show
Mouse in the Clock
Mouse Game
Mozart's Pets
Night of Stars
Skip with my L.H. Friends
Skip with my R.H. Friends
Surprise Symphony Theme
Tchaikovsky's Waltz
Treasure Chest
Wild, Windy Day
You Can Clap for Me
Con Brio