Song List:
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Tunder
Alleluia, Amen - Anonomyous
At The Lamb's High Feast We Sing - Mudde
Blessed Is He That Cometh - Gumpeltzhaimer
Creat In Me A Clean Heart, O God - Willan (SATB)
Eternal Father, Who Has Called Us - Vaughan Williams
Give Ear Unto Me - Marcello
Give To Jehovah - Schutz
God Is My Shepherd - Dvorak
Holy, Holy, Holy - Bender
If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee - Neumark
In God, My Faithful God/Let Shouts Of Gladness Rise - Buxtehude
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Prince Of Peace - JS Bach
O Come, Creator Spirit, Come - Charpentier
O Lord, Our Master, How Glorious Is Thy Name - Telemann
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - Handel
Praise God The Lord, Ye Sons Of Men - Schein
Surely He Has Borne Our Griefs - Leo
The Day Of Resurrection - Rhau
The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns - Lenel
The Savior Of The World Is Born - Holst
To Thee, Jehovah, Will I Sing Praises - JS Bach
We Now Implore God The Holy Ghost - Distler
We Saw His Glory - Mauersberger
With High Delight - Lenel