Song List:
As Lately We Watched (Austrian)
Midst the Deep Silence (Polish)
I'm So Happy on Christmas Eve (Norwegian)
Still, Still, Still (Austrian)
The Happy Christmas Comes Once More (Danish)
Here We Come a-Caroling (English)
I Wonder As I Wander (American Appalachian)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (English)
Good Christian Men, Rejoice (English)
Zither Carol (Czech)
Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head (American Appalachian)
Once in Royal David's City (English)
Angels and Shepherds (Morovian)
A Child So Sweet (Brazilian)
March of the Three Kings (French/Provencal)
Joseph, Dearest Joseph, Mine (German)
Rocking (Czech)
Christmas is Here (Swedish)
King Jesus Has a Garden (Danish)
Stars Were Gleaming (Polish)
Hear the Glad Tidings (Polish)
Gloucestershire Wassail (English)
I Saw Three Ships (English)
Companions All Sing Loudly (Basque)
Pat-A-Pan (Burgundian)
Masters in This Hall (English)
On the Night When Jesus Came (Polish)
What Child is This? (English)
Mary's Lullaby (German)
Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming (German)
To All the Earth (Yugoslavian)
Ring, Little Bell (German)
The Search for Lodging (Mexican)
Oh, Hush Thee, My Baby
Ding, Dong! Merrily On High! (French)