ISBN 9789043132282. 9x12 inches.
The Flex It series has been devised to meet the varying needs of wind and/or brass groups. Colin Cowles has taken well loved melodies from the traditional and classical repertoire and arranged them into basic four part harmony. Each part can be performed by different instruments depending on the resources available. This allows mixed groups to play together in an ensemble situation without having to leave any players sitting on the sidelines! This music is ideal for developing ensemble skills such as listening to others and maintaining a constant tempo and the attractive arrangements are particularly suitable as concert material for schools or music groups. Contains:Sally Gardens and The Irish Washerwoman.
The Flex It series has been devised to meet the varying needs of wind and/or brass groups. Colin Cowles has taken well loved melodies from the traditional and classical repertoire and arranged them into basic four part harmony. Each part can be performed by different instruments depending on the resources available. This allows mixed groups to play together in an ensemble situation without having to leave any players sitting on the sidelines! This music is ideal for developing ensemble skills such as listening to others and maintaining a constant tempo and the attractive arrangements are particularly suitable as concert material for schools or music groups. Contains:Sally Gardens and The Irish Washerwoman.
Die Reihe Flex it wurde speziell auf die verschiedenen Bedurfnisse von Holz-und/oder Blechblaserensembles zugeschnitten. Colin Cowles wahlte beliebte Melodien aus dem klassischen und traditionellen Repertoire und arrangierte sie in einfachen vierstimmigen Satzen. Jede Stimme kann, entsprechend der jeweiligen Besetzung, von verschiedenen Instrumenten ubernommen werden. So konnen gemischte Musikgruppen im Ensemble spielen. Die Reihe Flex it fordert in idealer Weise die Entwicklung des Gehores und des Zusammenspiels. Alle Titel dieser Reihe sind leicht - mittelschwer. Jedes Set enthalt alle Blaser- und Schlagzeugstimmen.
Deux airs traditionnels irlandais.Voix 1 Fl Htb Cl. Si?/Mi? Sax. S. Sax. A. Trp Mallets Voix 2 Fl Cl. Si? Sax. A. Trp Voix 3 Cl. Si? Sax. T. Trp Cor Voix 4 Cl. Si? Basson Sax. B. Trb. Euph. Tuba Opt. Perc
Due arie tradizionali irlandesi arrangiate per formazioni a strumentazione variabile. Ideale per un secondo tempo di concerto o per un bis.Voce 1 Flauto Oboe Cl. Mi b/Si b Sax. S. Sax. A. Tromba MalletsVoce 2 Flauto Cl. Si b Sax. A. TrombaVoce 3 Cl. Si b Sax. T. Tromba CornoVoce 4 Cl. Si b Fg Sax. B. Tbn Euf. TubaOpt. Perc.