ISBN 9780825636417. With Text language: English. Folk.
EASY PICKINGS is the new way to play classic songs in the fingerpicking style. The music in this book doesn?t use standard notation. Instead, a simple system shows the guitar strings. Chord boxes show you where to place your fingers with your fretting hand; crosses on the strings show you the pattern to pick the strings. That?s all there is to it! All the songs in this book have been specially arranged in the EASY PICKINGS format to make them as easy as possible. The first few songs have only a few chords and simple picking patterns; later in the book the songs have more chords and a greater variety of fingerpicking styles. Some of the songs have been arranged in a different key from the original recording. Where this is the case, you?ll need a capo, at the fret indicated at the top of the song, to play along.