ISBN 9780825635328. The 11th release in one of the most popular learning tools for guitarists ever published, Music Sales' "Guitar Deck" series, is The Rock Guitar Method Deck. Die-cut in the shape of an electric guitar neck, this hands-on method is ideal for beginners who have trouble learning from two-dimensional photos in a book.Ê The realistic, actual- more...size guitar neck guide (in color) shows you exactly where to put your fingers for each chord, scale or pattern - and you can practice with your hands right on the book! The Rock Guitar Method Deck covers tuning up; holding the guitar; using effects and pedals; how to read TAB; right-hand techniques; note-reading; blues and rock riffs; power chords; the AC/DC power riff; hammer-ons and pull-offs; bends; scales; finger exercises; and a special section of licks to help you get started in creating your own rock solos. For the first time, this deck is full-color ON BOTH SIDES - the reverse side of each card has exercises in tablature (no note reading required) and practice instructions.Ê Used properly (in page order) the Rock Guitar Method Deck is a wonderful add-on sale with any electric guitar you sell - even in conjunction with a method book or DVD!