Song List:
NOEL NOUVELET (Now the Green Blade Riseth/Rises)
LANCASHIRE (The Day of Resurrection)
In the Garden
GELOBT SEI GOTT (Good Christian Men/Friends, Rejoice and Sing)
VRUECHTEN (This Joyful Eastertide/Because You Live, O Christ)
JUDAS MACCABEUS (Thine/Yours Is the Glory)
LLANFAIR (Jesus Christ Is Risen Today/Hail the Day That Sees Him Rise)
CHRIST LAG IN TODESBANDEN (Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands)
VICTORY (The Strife Is Over)
GAUDEAMUS PARITER (Come, Ye/You Faithful, Raise the Strain)
ST. KEVIN (Come, Ye/You Faithful, Raise the Strain)
O FILII ET FILIAE (O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing)
EASTER HYMN (Jesus Christ is Risen Today/Christ the Lord Is Risen Today)