Song List:
Auld Eage and Young ne'er grees the gither
The Battle of Sherrif Moor
Captain Campbell
Capt. Graeme Inchbrakies
Colonel McBain's Reel
Dunrira Lodge
Duplin Castle
Ephie McKnab
The Farewell
Good night and Joy be wi' you a'
Highland Whiskey
Hon.ble Mr. Fraiser of Lovat's Reel
Invercaul's Reel
The James in Spate
Kail Pot
The Key of the Cellar
Lady Agnes Percy's Hornpipe
Lady Charlotte Rawdon's Strathspey
Lady Dalrymple's Strathspey
Lady Eliza Lindsay's Hornpipe
Lady Hope of Pinkie's Strathspey
Lady Mary Hay's Scotch Measure
Auld Eage and Young ne'er grees
Auld Lang Syne
Lady Susan Gordon's Strathspey
Loch Fyne Side
Lord Elcho's Reel
Lord Dundee's Lamentation
Miss Abercromby
Miss Ann Monro's Reel
Miss Balcetti's Reel
Miss Brown's Favourite
Miss Buchanan of Cambusmore's
Miss Campbell Park Place's Reel
Miss Carmichael's Jig
Miss Frances Drummond's Jigg
Miss H. Wauchope's Favourite
Miss Hay of Ley's Strathspey
Miss Hope of Pinkie House's
Miss J. Dalrymple's Strathspey
Miss Margt. Blair's Strathspey
Miss Mariane Oliphant Rossie's
Miss McDonald St. Martins
Miss Paterson's Reel
Miss Stewart's Jig
Miss Wright of Latons Reel
The Moor so Wett
Mr. Houston of Jordan Hill's Reel
Mr. John Trotter's Hornpipe
Mrs. Farquharson's Jigg
Mrs. Linley's Reel
Mrs. Oswald of Auchincruive's Reel
Mrs. Ramsay of Bampton's
Mrs. Rutherford's Jig
Open The Door To Three
The Poney Race
Robin Shore in Herst
Though I Go to Bed
Send us Whiskey
Sir William Black's Lament
We'll a' to Kelso go
The Whigs of Fife