8.5x11 inches.
The music of "Spanish Memoirs" is characterized by spicy, zesty Latin rhythms juxtaposed with soaring lyrical melodies hugely influenced by jazz. It is both accessible and sophisticated, audiences love it! Percussion distribution: Perc. 1: Vibraphone, snare drum, conga drum, tambourine, and wood block; Perc.2: Marimba, sand blocks, and claves; Perc.3: Marimba and guiro; Perc. 4: Marimba, bass drum, 2 suspended cymbals, bongos, maracas and tam-tam. (10') Grade V. "...sure to be applauded by soloist, ensemble and audience alike. A melodious trumpet part, an animated accompaniment featuring toe-tapping rhythms, some flashy mallet playing, and the influences of the jazz and Latin idioms will go a long way to ensure the success of this piece." - John R. Raush, Percussive Notes - June 2005. Recorded on the CD Spanish Memoirs by Diego Arias and Yu-Jung Chung et al.