Song List:
An Ye Were My Ain Thing
Faild Na Iniasg
I Love My Love In Secret
Lochaber No More
Mcglashanas Croanich
Miss Hamilton
Mount Your Baggage
Mr. Bremneras Jigg
The Handsome Highlandman
The Yellow-Haird Laddie
Carrick Fergus
Comely Garden Reel
Jack Lattin
Lord Kellyas Reel
Oaer Bogie
Maggy Lawder
Miss Andersonas Minuet By C. K. Sharpe
When I Followed A Lass
Roslin Castle
The East Nook Of Fife
The Lea Rigg
The Parson And His Boots
Air By Mr. Rush
Because He Was a Bonny Lad
Giordanis Minuet
Reel: Iall Gae Nae Mair Tae Yon Toon