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Brock H Edvard Grieg - Biographie

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SKU: HL.49041721

Eine Biographie. Composed by Buddy Brock. This edition: Paperback/Soft Cover. Paperback. Serie Musik. Dieses Buch richtet sich an musikinteressierte Laien wie an den Musikwissenschaftler und verbindet die Darstellung von Lebensstationen und historisch-kulturellem Umfeld Griegs mit Zitaten aus seinen Briefen, zahlreichen instruktiv kommentierten Notenbeisp. 398 pages. Schott Music #SEM 8375. Published by Schott Music (HL.49041721).

ISBN 9783254083753. German.

Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) was a celebrated figure in the European music scene in his own lifetime. Warmly welcomed and recommended by Liszt and highly esteemed by Brahms and Tchaikovsky, he took the concert halls by storm with his compositions, influenced by the late-Romantic spirit and advancing as far as musical Impressionism, such the Piano Concerto, the music of Ibsen's Peer Gynt and numerous songs. His Lyrical Pieces delighted all piano-playing music lovers.Grieg had studied at the Leipzig Conservatoire and once called himself 'musically speaking, entirely German'. After his return to his home country, he listened with rapt attention to the songs and dances of the Norwegian farmers and developed his characteristic style on the basis of this music. To him, that was not only a musical, but also a political issue. Grieg, a master of poetry in music, was both an active democrat and a patriot, his ideals being justice and humanity.

Editeur :


Song List: Zur Einfuhrung Griegs Popularitat KIndheit und Studienjahre (1843-1862) Durchbruch zu nationaler Eigenart (1863-1866) Vielseitiges Wirken (1866-1874) An den Fjorden der Heimat (1874-1887) Auf der Hohe des internationalen Ruhmes (1887-1907) Anhang Anmerkungen Zeittafel Werkverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis (Auswahl) Bildquellennachweis Personenregister

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Emplacement géographique :USA
Livraison :Livraison mondiale
Frais de ports :A partir de $2.99 pour la livraison internationale

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