Violin SKU: BT.EMBZ2441
Composed by Jozsef Bloch. EMB Music Lesson - Exercises, Studies. Studies & Exercises. Book Only. Composed 1957. 12 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #EMBZ2441. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (BT.EMBZ2441). English-German-Hungarian.
József Bloch (1862-1922) was an outstanding figure in violin pedagogy in Hungary. With his violin method entitled A heged játék és tan tási módszere (Violin Playing and How to Teach it) he provided sound theoretical knowledge for future teachers. In addition, his books of scales, violin tutors, and finger exercises contributed to the success of teaching in practice. Bloch placed great emphasis on laying a foundation for instrumental technique and raising it to an artistic level. The present volume contains 40 exercises to help gradually develop finger technique step by step by practising stopping, changing strings, and rapid fingering. The pieces also deal specifically with someproblems of left-hand technique.
Der gebürtige Ungar Joseph Bloch (1917-29) war ein gefeierter amerikanischer Konzertsolist und viele Jahre lang Professor für Klavier an der renommierten Juillard School in New York. Neben mehreren Schulwerken hinterließ er auch diese viel verwendeteten Fingerübungen.