Song List:
A Farmer's Son So Sweet
Admiral Benbow
As I Walked Through The Meadows
Brennan On The Moor
Come all you worthy Christian men
Dashing Away With The Smoothing Iron
Down By The Riverside
Farmyard Song
Green Broom
Heave Away My Johnny
I will give my love an apple
I'm Seventeen Come Sunday
King Herod and the Cock
My Boy Billy
My Man John
O No John
O Waly, Waly
One Man Shall Mow My Meadow
Spanish Ladies
The Briery Bush
The Carter
The Coasts Of High Barbary
The Crystal Spring
The Female Highwayman
The Fox
The Holly and the Ivy
The Keeper
The Keys of Canterbury
The Lark in the Morn
The Painful Plough
The Red-herring
The Sheep-Shearing
The Tree in the Wood
Wassail Song
William Taylor