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World Melodies for Accordion

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Matériel : Partition

By Frances Irwin. For Accordion (Keyboard). Solos. World Music. Level: Beginning-Intermediate. Book. Size 8.5x11. 106 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc.

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Mel Bay

Niveau : Voir articles de même classement et même niveau

Song List: A La Puerta Del Cielo (Spain) At The Gate of Heaven Ach Du Lieber Augustin (Germany) Oh My Love August Ahrirang (Korea) Alouette (France) Meadow Lark Aupres De Ma Blonde (France) Close To My Sweetheart Bella Bimba (Italy) Pretty Baby Girl Bolujem Ja (Croatia) My Aching Heart Boze, Cos Polske (Poland) God Who Helped Poland Carmela (Mexico) Chavaliers De La Table Ronde (France) Come You Knights of the Table Round Ciri Biri Bela (Dalmatia/Croatia) Cockles and Mussels (Ireland) Molly Malone Comin' Through The Rye (Scotland) Cserebogar (Hungary) June Bug Donkey Riding (Canada) Dreydl Song (Jewish) Du, Du, Liegst Mir Im Herzen (Germany) You, You Are In My Heart Duni Vjetre (Bosnia-Herzewgovina) Blowing Wind Early One Morning (England) A Bluebird Greets the Spring El Jarabe Tapatio (Mexico) Mexican Hat Dance El Tortillero (Chile) The Tortilla Man Ev'rybody Loves Saturday Night (Africa) Finjan (Israel) Coffee Pot Flower Song (China) Gde Si Duso, Gde Si Rano (Serbia) Where Are You My Son, Where Are You My Beloved Greensleeves (England) Hannukah Song (Jewish) Haru Ga Kita (Japan) Spring Has Come Havah Nagilah (Jewish) Jaz Pa Ti, Pa Zidana Marela (Slovenia) You and me, and the Satin Umbrella Kohanochka (Russia) A Dance Tune Korobushka (Russia) The Peddler La Cucaracha (Mexico) The Cockroach La Cumparsita (Argentina) Land of the Silver Birch (Canada) Las Mananitas (Mexico) The Little Tomorrows Lauterbach Song (Germany) Makedonsko Devojce (Macedonia) Macedonian Girl Maori Stick Game (New Zealand) Minka (Russia) Morning Comes Early (Slovakia) Muss I Denn Zum Stadtele Naus (Germany) Must I Say Goodbye Na Pozegnanie (Poland) Farewell To The Old Year Oleana (Norway) Over The Meadow (Slovakia) Planting Rice (Philippines) Pojdi Zmenoj (Slovenia) Come With Me Polly Wolly Doodle (United States) Rock-a My Soul (United States) An African Am Spiritual Sakura (Japan) Cherry Blossoms Santa Lucia (Italy) Sarajevo, Divno Mjesto (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Wonderful Place Scarborough Fair (England) Seljancica Kolo (Serbia) Village Girls Kolo Serbus Zagreb (Croatia) Cheers To You Zagreb Shenandoah (United States) Simple Gifts (United States) Ta Kalotykha Vouna (Greece) The fortunate Mountains Take time In Life (Africa) Tamo Daleko (Serbia) There Far Away Tamo Na Rivi (Dalmatia/Croatia) There by the Dock Tancuj (Czech Republic) Dance Song Terezinka (Slovenia) The Ash Grove (Wales) The Campbells Are Coming (Scotland) The Cuckoo (Austria) The Girl I Left Behind Me (Ireland) The Minstrel Boy (Ireland) The Riddle Song (United States) The Willow Tree (Korea) Tiha Noc Je (Croatia) Quiet Is the Night Tum - Balalaika (Russia) Tutu Maramba (Brazil) Veni Sul Mar (Italy) Come to the Sea Volga Boatmen's Song (Russia) Water Come - A Me Eye (Jamaica) Weggis Dance (Switzerland) When I Am Ten Years Old (Norway) Yerakina (Greece) Zora Je (Croatia) It's Dawn

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Emplacement géographique :USA
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