La mort du canard (from Famille d'artistes)Tango final (from Famille d'artistes)Artisane 1 (from A Midsummer Night's Dream)Sentimantal (from Famille d'artistes)Sensuel (from A Midsummer Night's Dream)El viaje (The journey)Milonga …
Ausencias (The Absent) El Viaje (The Voyage) Chanson de la naissance (Song of the Birth) Libertango Los Sueños (Dreams) Milonga Oblivion - Ouverture from Famille d'artistes Sensuel (Sensual) Sentime…
Arranger: Collatti Diego Marcelo A collection of the most famous tangos by Carlos Gardel arranged for two clarinets for intermediate players. In these authentic arrangements Diego Collatti has successfully combined the sound of t…