| Streichquartette. Band 2 String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello [Critical Reports] Barenreiter
KV 387, 421 (417b), 428 (421b), 458, 464, 465. Anhang: Fragment und Entwurf zu KV 458. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Ludwig Finscher. For string quartet (2 violins, viola, cello). Neue Mozart-Ausgabe. Serie VIII, Werkgruppe 20/1,2. Musikwissenschaft, Klassik (Music Theory…
$87.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | |

| Schabbes, Schabbes 2 Recorders (duet) [Score] Barenreiter
(14 Yiddish Songs). Arranged by Peter Goden. For Alto Recorder (F,G) (2). A due. Playing Score
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| Gebet / Die Mitgift Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(2 Chore. Gott des Himmels machtger Konig / Des Gesanges Herzensgabe, sie gehore unsrer Heimat ganz. (Nur deutscher Text)). By Bedrich Smetana (1824-1884). Edited by Jaromir Fiala. For Men's Choir-Ttbb. Singing Score
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| Deutsche Messe. Kyrie / Herr, erbarme dich - Gloria / Ehre sei Gott in der Hohe Choir, Organ [Score] Barenreiter
(Messesatze fur Chor, Streicher und Bc oder Chor und Orgel). By Gottfried Heinrich Stolzel. Edited by Gottfried Gille. For Mixed Choir-SATB, Strings, Organ Ad Lib. Score
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| Weeping, crying, sorrow, sighing [Study Score / Miniature] Barenreiter
Cantata for the Feast of St. Michael. By Johann Sebastian Bach. Edited by Reinmar Emans. For Alto solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Mixed Choir-SATB, Oboe, Bassoon, Violin (2), Viola (2), Basso continuo. B0renreiter Studienpartituren - Study scores. Study Score; Urtext Edition. BWV 12…
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| Gaulimauli, Stachelschwein Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(55 heitere Kanons fur drei bis sechs und 12 Stimmen, basierend auf der Neuen Mozart-Ausgabe). By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Edited by Ulrich Zimmer. For Mixed Choir. Singing Score
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| Gesang im Grunen Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(Chormusik zum Themenkreis Fruhling, Natur und Wandern. 32 Satze aus vier Jahrhunderten). Edited by Ulrich Zimmer. For Mixed Choir-SATB. Collection; Singing Score
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| Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten. Kantate Choral SATB SATB Barenreiter
By Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Edited by Oswald Bill. For Soprano Solo, Mixed Choir-SATB, Str.Org Ad Lib. Chormusik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Kantaten, Romantik (Cantatas, Romantic). Chorus Score
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| Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten Cello, Double Bass Barenreiter
(Kantate). By Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Edited by Oswald Bill. For Violoncello/Contrabass. Chormusik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Kantaten, Romantik (Cantatas, Romantic). Single Part
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| Wer nur den lieben Gott lasst walten [Score] Barenreiter
(Kantate fur Solostimme, Chor, Streicher oder Orgel). By Felix Bartholdy Mendelssohn (1809-1847). Edited by Oswald Bill. For Soprano Solo, Mixed Choir-SATB, Violin (2), Viola, Violoncello/Contrabass, Organ Ad Lib. Chormusik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Kantaten, Romantik (Cantatas, Roma…
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| Vierstimmige Volkslieder fur gemischten Chor Choral SATB SATB, Piano [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(26 Lieder und Satze. Klavierbegleitung zu 10 Satzen BA 6484). By Friedrich Silcher. Edited by Robert Wilhelm. For Mixed Choir-SATB. Chormusik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Singing Score
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| Der Jahrkreis (1932/33) Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(Auswahl von 23 Satzen fur gemischten Chor zum Gebrauch in Kirchen-, Schul- und Laienchoren). By Hugo Distler (1908-1942). For Mixed Choir-Samst. Collection; Singing Score. Op. 5
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| Weihnachtliche Chormusik Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(24 Satze aus dem 16. bis 20. Jahrhundert). Edited by Ulrich Zimmer. For Mixed Choir-SATB. Weihnachten (Christmas). Collection; Singing Score
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| Missa in C major - Trinitatis Mass Choral SATB SATB, Orchestra [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
Klavierauszug nach dem Urtext der Neuen Mozart-Ausgabe. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Walter Senn. Arranged by Focke, Martin. For Mixed Choir-SATB, Oboe (2), Trumpet (4), Trombone (3), Kettledrum. Messen, Klassik (Masses, Classical). Piano Reduction/Vocal Score. KV 167. D…
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| Missa brevis Soli, Mixted choir and accompaniment satb (soli), SATB (choir), Orchestra [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
Klavierauszug nach der Neuen Mozart-Ausgabe. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Walter Senn. Arranged by Focke, Martin. For Soprano solo, Alto solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Mixed Choir-SATB, Trombone (3) ad lib., Strings, Organ. Messen, Klassik (Masses, Classical). Piano Reduct…
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| Trattado de Glosas Barenreiter
Including seperate viol part. By Ortiz, Diego. Edited by Otterstedt, Anette. (hard bound). Published by Baerenreiter-Verlag (German import).
(1) $74.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Weihnachtliche Musik alter Meister fur Blockflotenquartett Recorder Quartet [Sheet music] Barenreiter
(12 Satzen aus Instrumentalwerken, Kantaten und Oratorien des Barock.). Edited by Rolf Schweizer. For Soprano Recorder (C), Alto Recorder (F,G), Tenor Recorder (C,D), Bass Recorder (F). Weihnachten (Christmas). Collection; Playing Score
$15.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Spruchmotetten. Heft 3 Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(8 Kompositionen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts fur das Kirchenjahr vom Tag der Darstellung des Herrn (2. Februar) bis Pfingstmontag). Edited by Konrad Ameln; Harald Kummerling. For Mixed Choir. Chor-Archiv. Singing Score
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| Laudate pueri Dominum Choral SATB SATB [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
(Graduale fur Knaben- oder Frauenchor und Instrumente). By Michael Haydn (1737-1806). Edited by Imre Sulyok. For Women's or Boys' Choir-SSA. Chor-Archiv. Chorus Score
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| Missa brevis Soli, Mixted choir and accompaniment satb (soli), SATB (choir), Orchestra [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
Klavierauszug nach dem Urtext der Neuen Mozart-Ausgabe KlA. By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Monika Holl. Arranged by Focke, Martin. For Soprano solo, Alto solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Mixed Choir-SATB, Bassoon, Trombone (3), Strings, Organ. Messen, Klassik (Masses, Classica…
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| Partita fur Violoncello und Cembalo (1954) Violoncello, Basso continuo [Score and Parts] Barenreiter
By Klaus Huber (1924-). For Violoncello, Harpsichord. Violoncello. Playing Score; Single Part
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| Nenia fur Violoncello solo (1974) Cello [Score] Barenreiter
By Giselher Klebe. For Violoncello. Violoncello. Playing Score
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| Drei Lieder nach Texten von Friedrich Holderlin fur hohe Singstimme und Klavier (1975/76) High voice, Piano Barenreiter
(Geh unter, schone Sonne - Halfte des Lebens: Mit gelben Birnen hanget - Die Linien des Lebens). By Giselher Klebe. For High Voice, Piano. Playing Score; Singing Score. Op. 74
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| Litaniae Lauretanae B-Dur Soli, Mixted choir and accompaniment satb (soli), SATB (choir), Orchestra [Vocal Score] Barenreiter
By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Edited by Federhofer, Hellmut; Federhofer-Konigs, Renate. Arranged by Focke, Martin. For Soprano Solo, Alto Solo, Tenor Solo, Bass Solo, Mixed Choir (SATB), Piano. Piano Reduction/Vocal Score; Urtext Edition. KV 109 (74e). Duration 11'. Published by Ba…
$10.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | |

| Heut triumphieret Gottes Sohn Soli, Mixted choir and accompaniment [Score] Barenreiter
Osterkantate fur Solostimmen, Chor und Instrumente. By Dietrich Buxtehude. Edited by Traugott Fedtke. For Soprano solo (2), Alto solo, Tenor solo, Bass solo, Mixed Choir-SSATB, Trumpet (2), Kettledrum, Strings, Basso continuo. Ostern (Easter). Score. BuxWV 43. Published by Baeren…
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| Erstes Streichquartett (1976) String Quartet: 2 violins, viola, cello Barenreiter
By Ulrich Stranz (1946-). For string quartet (2 violins, viola, cello). Score
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