Rubank Publications Camille Saint-Saëns Romance op. 36: for horn, with piano accompaniment, edited by Himie Voxman, HL04477719, 23 x 30.5 cm, 8 pages / Rubank Publications
Instructional Book for Trumpet
Études for trumpet, cornet, or baritone (treble clef)
By H. A. Vandercook
ISBN 9781540001467, Publisher Nr. HL04470810
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
40 Pages / Rubank Publications
Classical Sheet Music for Violin
39 Classical pieces arranged for two violins
Arranged by Harvey S. Whistler and Herman Hummel
Medium difficulty
ISBN 9781423444923, publisher's no. HL04472680
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm
56 Pages / Rubank…