| J. Murray Barbour - Tuning And Temperament - A Historical Survey 19.60 EUR - See more - Buy online
Pre-shipment lead time: On orderThe demands of tuning (attaining the perfect scale) and temperament (the compromises necessary for composing in every key) have challenged musicians from the earliest civilizations onward. This guide surveys these longstanding problems, devoting a chapter to each principal theory and offering a running account of the complete history of tuning and temperament. Organized chronologically, the book features a helpful glossary and numerous illustrative tables, and it requires minimal background in music theory. This new reissue is currently the only edition in print of a much-quoted classic. 9 figures. 180 tables. Reprint of the Michigan State College Press, East Lansing, Michigan, 1953 edition. - See more at: http://store.doverpublications.com/0486434060.html#sthash.q8xlNSm7.dpuf
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