Content : Auteurs Divers W.T. Best: AdagioS.S. Wesley: AdagioW.T. Best: Adagio elegiacoS.S. Wesley: Air for the organW.T. Best: Alla breveS.S. Wesley: AllegroW.T. Best: Allegro con brioH.T. Smart: Allegro in DW.T. Best: Allegro moderatoS.S. Wesley: A melodyAndanteW.T. Best: Andante con motoAndante con motoH.T. Smart: Andante grazioso in FAndante in CS.S. Wesley: Andante in CH.T. Smart: Andante in FAndante religiosoAndante tranquillo in GW.T. Best: Chorale prelude on 'Halifax'Chorale Prelude on 'London'Chorale prelude on 'St Bride'S.S. Wesley: Chorale song and fugueH.T. Smart: Con motoCon moto moderato in E flatEasy prelude for mezzo forte stopsEasy prelude for soft stopsC.H. Parry: ElergyH.T. Smart: Evening PrayerS.S. Wesley: First short piece in A minorGavotteC.V. Stanford: Hush song (Op. 189)H.T. Smart: Interlude #1Interlude #2Interlude #3Interlude #4Interlude #6Introductory VoluntaryW.T. Best: Jerusalem the goldenS.S. Wesley: LarghettoLentoH.T. Smart: MarchPostlude in CPreludePreludeS.S. Wesley: PreludePreludeSecond short piece in A minorH.T. Smart: Trio for organS.S. Wesley: Voluntary in D |