Content : Auteurs Divers General:.A child is born in Bethlehem (Plainsong/Proulx)Alleluia: Let us sing of the Lord (Décha)Alleluia: My soul praises the glory (Décha)Alleluia: O give thanks to the Lord (Noel Rawsthorne)Alpha and Omega (Hemson)At your feet (Alan Rees)Be known to us, Lord Jesus (Rosalie Bonighton)Be still, for the presence of the Lord (David Evans)Behold, the Lord will come! (Colin Mawby)Blest are you, O God, Creator (June Nixon)Christ triumphant (Barnard)Christians, lift up your hearts (Vaughan Williams)Christians, to the Paschal Victim (Plainsong/Murray/Rees)Come and bring your gifts (Richard Shephard)Come to me (Margaret Rizza)Come to us, creative Spirit (Richard Proulx)Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life (Vaughan Williams)Come, O Holy Spirit (Plainsong/Murray)Father almighty, Lord of creation (Walsh)Father, we come to you (Walsh)From many grains (Adrian Vernon Fish)Give me, Lord, a new heart (Alan Rees)Give thanks to the Lord our God (Richard Lloyd)God makes welcome (Palestrina/Lécot)God reigns! (Deiss)Good shepherd, may I sing your praise (Colin Mawby)Hail, true Body (Dykes Bower)Hail, true Body (Plainsong/Rees)Hear us, O Lord (Plainsong/Murray)Herein is Love (Rosalie Bonighton)I received the living God (Unknown/Proulx)I saw streams of water flowing (Dean)Jesus, ever flowing fountain (Rosalie Bonighton)Jesus' soul, make holy (Alan Rees)Jesus, the Son of God (Giombini/Lécot)Let our praise to you (Malcolm Archer)Let the hungry come to me (Plainsong/Murray)Lord, Jesus Christ (Malcolm Archer)Love one another (Malcolm Archer)O comfort my people (Irish Melody/Lloyd)O fountain of life (Margaret Rizza)O God beyond all praising (Holst)O Lord, my heart is not proud (Margaret Rizza)O sing a new song (Lesbordes)Only bring your gift (Christopher Tambling)Praise our God (Andrew Moore)Praise to the Lord (Richard Lloyd)Rejoice in the Lord! (Alan Rees)Send forth your Spirit (Alan Rees)Silent, surrendered (Margaret Rizza)Thanks be to God (Dean)There is one thing I ask of the Lord (Alan Rees)This is the day (Alan Rees)To the wedding feast God calls us (Hunstiger)To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul (Alan Rees)Veni, lumen cordium (Margaret Rizza)We are your people (Walsh)We know you, Lord (Walsh)What feast of love (English Melody/Stainer)When from bondage we are summoned (Hunstiger)When we eat this bread (Alan Rees)Where is love and loving kindness (Alan Rees)Where true love is found with charity (Murray/Moore)With joy you will draw water (Alan Rees)You are the centre (Margaret Rizza)You satisfy the hungry heart (Kreutz).Responsorial Psalms:.All the ends of the earth (Andrew Moore)Bring an offering (Howell/Gelineau)Come, children, and hear (Alan Rees)Go out to the whole world (Alan Rees)God of hosts, bring us back (Rosalie Bonighton)Have mercy on us, O Lord (Alan Ridout)I will bless the Lord (Andrew Moore)In God alone (Alan Rees)Like as the deer (Tamié/Watson)O that today you would listen to his voice (Andrew Moore)Praise God in his holy place (Colin Mawby)Send forth your Spirit (Margaret Rizza)Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Andrew Moore)Taste, O taste and see (Alan Rees)The Lord is my shepherd (Colin Mawby)The Lord will bless his people with peace (Alan Rees)They are happy, who dwell in your house (Alan Rees)We are his people (Andrew Moore)With songs of gladness and joy (Décha).Gospel Acclamations:.Alleluia: Show us your mercy (Advent) (Alan Rees)Alleluia: The Spirit of the Lord (Advent) (Malcolm Archer)Alleluia: Glory to God (Christmas) (Alan Rees)Alleluia: May the peace of Christ (Christmas) (Richard Shephard)Praise to you, O Christ (Lent and Holy Week) (Andrew Moore)Alleluia: Jesus Christ (Easter) (Alan Rees)Alleluia: Jesus said (Easter) (Christopher Tambling)Alleluia: Here in our midst (General) (Jones)Alleluia: I am the Way (General) (Duffy/Murray)Alleluia: Like the deer that yearns (General) (Colin Mawby)Alleluia: Open our hearts (General) (Russian Byzantine/Rees)Alleluia: Speak, Lord (General) (Richard Lloyd)Alleluia: Stay awake (General) (Richard Proulx)Alleluia: Your words are spirit, Lord (General) (Alan Rees)Alleluia: Your word is truth (General) (Duffy) |