Content : Auteurs Divers Song of the Ass (12th century)Lord of the DanceWinter, GoodbyeE.N. Ammerbach: Dance TuneSt. Paul's SteepleSummer Is Icumen InSummer Is Icumen In (Round)G. Engel: GoldfishByrd One Brere (13th century English)Jacob hat kein Brot im HauseM. Praetorius: GavotteM. Praetorius: GilotteJ. van Eyck: BockxvoetjeJ. van Eyck: Schoonste HerderinneJ. B. Lully: MenuettGentille (18th century French)H. Purcell: RigadoonH. Purcell: MinuetG.P. Telemann: RigaudonG.P. Telemann: AriaHugarion Gavotte (18th century)G.F. Handel: PassepiedG.F. Handel: MinuettJ. Hotteterre: Air PastoralG. Farnaby: Tower HillW.A. Mozart: MinuetW.A. Mozart: AllegroT. Susato: RondeT. Susato: NachtanzM. A. Charpentier: PreludeJ. P. Rameau: RigaudonS. Joplin: Peacherine RagS. Joplin: The EntertainerL. van Beethoven: 2nd Movement from Symphony #7P. Warlock: PavaneP. Warlock: Mattachins |