Content : Mc Vicker William / Taylor Dorothy IntroductionMODULE 1 USING VOICES: Technique, phrasing, dynamics, articulation, etc.: Get ready to singThe name gameBlack catShalom ChaverimIntroduction ostinatoListeningMODULE 2 WORKING ON INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES: Timimg, co ordination, beater technique, etc.: Om pom poddledum, My paddle's clean and brightSong of the EskimosTwo very different melodiesStomping pieceModule reviewMODULE 3 IMPROVISING AND COMPOSING: Exploring sounds, atmosphere, structure, etc.: Voice soundsInstrument soundsFree as the airSpeed, bonny boatCall and responseAwakeningMODULE 4 READING AND WRITING MUSIC: Durations/rhythm, pitch, crotchets and quavers, etc.: Introducing rhythmic notationThe Padstow songIntroducing pitch notationNotating rhythmsIntroducing the five line staffB A GMODULE 5 KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND CONTEXT: Structures, functions, history, instruments, etc.: Verse and chorusThe Sorcerer's ApprenticeA Venetian coronationMusical instrumentsInstrumental ensemblesRevision lessonMODULE 6 PERFORMING A SHOWCinderella, a musical operetta by Margaret RolfAPPENDIXTransposing for vocal warm upsBlack cat (round)CD TRACK LISTING |