European Companies

Saxophone Mantras

18.10 EUR - See more - Buy online

Pre-shipment lead time: 3-5 days

This book brings together studies that focus on saxophone-specific technical difficulties, such as register changes, dexterity in the low register, and coordination of the ring and little fingers. Similar to Buddhist meditation mantras, the exercises are repeated gradually increasing the difficulty level. An ideal reference for advanced saxophonists that can be used in lessons or as concert preparation. / Saxophone

Instrumentation :


Publisher :

Advance Music

Content :
Enzel Christoph
Mantra for the Palm keys and the Transition to the 3rd ocatveMantra for the Transition from the 1st to the 2nd octaveMantra for low B flatMantra for the Little fingersMantra for the Transition to the 3rd octave
The same etude an octave lower for the Transition from the 1st to the 2nd octaveMantra for low BLeft
handed Crazy Raga for ring finger, Little finger and octave transitionsChromatic chords in the high RegisterChromatic chords an octave lower for the Transition from the 1st to the 2nd octaveMantra for the left ring finger and low notesMantra for the Transition between the octave keysMantra for jumps into the 3rd octaveMantra for the right ring fingerMantra in D sharp minor for the low register

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