Content : Auteurs Divers Playing five fingers exercises: Preparatory exercisesL. Schytte, op. 108/1C. Czerny, op. 599/15, op. 599/16, op. 599/18C.A. Löschhorn, op. 191/29, op. 181/30Scales: Preparatory exercisesA.H. Lemoine, op. 37/1, op. 37/2F. Beyer, op. 101/83, op. 101/65J.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/1, op. 176/5C. Czerny, op. 599/69C.A. Löschhorn, op. 191/37, op. 181/38Alternating the hands: Preparatory exercisesR. Schumann, op. 68/14L. Schyte, op. 108/5C. Gurlitt, op. 201/19C. Czerny, op. 849/29S. Heller, op. 45/2Chards, broken chords: Preparatory exercisesE. Pütz: Mixolydische EtüdeC.A. Löschhorn, op. 181/15, op. 181/16J.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/4S. Heller, op. 125/117A.H. Lemoine, op. 37/35C. Gurlitt: EtüdeC. Czerny, op. 139/70C. Gurlitt, op. 201/22Artikulation: Preparatory exercisesF. Burgmüller, op. 100/2C. Czerny, op. 139/24, op. 599/45L. Schytte, op. 68/2H. Bertini, op. 29/16Melody in the left hand: Preparatory exercisesL. Schyte, op. 108/12F. Burgmüller, op. 100/7, op. 100/9, op. 100/15Repetitions: Preparatory exercisesJ.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/25L. Schytte, op. 108/10, op. 108/11H. Bertini, op. 100/6F. Burgmüller, op. 100/17L. Schytte, op. 68/15Playing in thirds, sixths, other combinations: Preparatory exercisesD.G. Türk: EtüdeJ.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/24F. Burgmüller, op. 100/4C. Czerny, op. 481/38F. Brugmüller, op. 109/6S. Heller, op. 45/12Ornaments: Preparatory exercises C. Czerny, op. 849/4F. Brugmüller, op. 100/13C.A. Löschhorn, op. 52/5S. Heller, op. 125/13Chromatics: Preparatory exercisesC. Czerny, op. 599/56F. Beyer, op. 101/105F. Burgmüller, op. 105/3J.W. Häßler, op. 49/4Playing in octaves: Preparatory exercisesJ.W. Häßler, op. 49/5C. Gurlitt, op. 201/16F. Burgmüller, op. 109/12 Velocity: Preparatory exercisesM. Schoenmehl: Der PurzelbaumkönigL. Schytte, op. 108/16, op. 108/23C. Czerny, op. 821/1 2, op. 821/3 , op. 599/61H. Bertini, op. 100/10C. Czerny, op. 139/100, op. 139/42F. Burgmüller, op. 109/10Appendix: Major scales in octaves with chord inversionsChromatic scaleHarmonic minor scales in octaves with chord inversionsMajor minor cadence |